2024-01-31 Honors incoming first year students
Time tickets
For students who RSVP for the event, we open time ticket starting that day staying open through last day to add.
Set it for Monday of SB (3/25).
All students who RSVP get that time.
For those who don’t attend, will need to remove PIN.
No advising hold.
On deposit deadline, NTC will contact non-registered Honors to register - set their time ticket for the overflow date (NTC will provide this) for deposited to honors students who haven’t registered as of that time (“second wave”).
Language placement
For the first batch, they’re encouraged by Admissions to complete language placement before they register (same as prior years).
Everyone except French and Chinese requires placement. Hebrew requires survey; Spanish requires placement test.
Need to confirm with Language Center how placements are entered into Banner. (Do they want us to do it in a batch or will they be manually entering it?) Heather will speak with Stephanie Bradshaw.
Non-deposited registered as of deposit deadline
Students will be dropped from all classes.
Reg and advising via appointment, no in-person advising.
Honors weekend
Not sure if the schedule of classes be ready
Adv will present on advising
Week of spring break
Smaller version for new student registration
Small group meetings with advisor
Will be pre-registered if they’re doing a FIG (first year interest group) - not sure about FYE office expectations
Students will apply for FIGs
They’ll be pre-registered before advising appt. for Colloquium + something else
Maybe we can use block registration
Program of interest survey
Colette to ask Neill for survey content and provide to NTC to review/refine.
Teams support
Teams support 3/25, 26 - Heather will provide guidelines on when to use Teams.
Need to test pre-req override form.
Ok to use pre-req override for language overrides when students have a confirmation email. Usually the only reason to use the form is for AP/IB pending scores.
We are calling it Top Scholars Weekend.
Student attributes
Will have RHON student attribute.
CA24 - this attribute indicates they’ve been advised - need to create attribute.
Need to look into how to batch add this attribute