2023-04-04 Tech Jam

Monthly event hosted by NTC Retention and Success to bring together thought partners on campus to discuss how we can improve collaboration and student support through technology.

What is project management?

  • breaking goals down into measurable steps, tracking progress

  • tracking progress, reviewing milestone achievement

Use of specific knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to deliver something of value.

  • software

  • building

  • emergency relief

  • expansion of sales into a new geo region

What does project management mean for my team? What are strengths, challenges, or needs?

  • identify what is individual work and what is team work, collaboration

  • Internal team and external collaborators

  • Cross departmental teams

    • challenge - figure out the right tool for the audience

  • Share unless I can’t

    • Documentation is a strength

    • Challenge - changes to policy refocus priorities

How do we streamline regularly scheduled recurring events and balance project

Systemetizing what we can - agree to how the work gets done

Increase transparency and collaboration - enhance efficiency for staff and student experience

Salesforce tools

  • Event - record that an event happened after the fact

  • SF Outlook plug-ins

  • Department/advisor engagement

Rosie - Asana project management

  • Began as a way to management workflow for TIDEs

  • Form from faculty (formsite) - approved - Asana (also pushed to Box)

  • Orientation tasks - set to be cyclical

  • Assign tasks to people, interns

  • 15 projects in free version