2023-03-28 Adam Burgess
role management
HR and ITS have a user inactivation process upon termination - every 2 weeks security admins or disreps get an email with everything HR has processed. Separations, position movement.
HR marks people as deans, certain levels
DISrep - department information security representative
used to email all users in a group
remove all accesses
new employees access requested by supervisor
Program change -
no program changes with more than 90 hours
SCOOP - UWF unicorn
certified knowledge worker training - every two years
onboarding, tool access
duplicate IDs
happens with saaquik
transient student
EOT processing
degree conferral
Non matriculated admitted students - purged
GUASYST form to see if person is student/faculty
Award at 98% Active app to SO to AW
dept charge of 100 per day of late grades
late course submission fine