2022-11-07 IPEDS and race and ethnicity
Race and ethnicity data is found in SPAIDEN.
Race is only collected from the application and translated into an IPEDS category. If students have a problem with their recorded ethnicity, we can update it (there is no self-service option). They see race information when they confirm enrollment. We do not require any documentation to make this change.
Definitions for New Race and Ethnicity Categories
“New ethnicity” collection began in the last decade. The two choices are Hispanic/not Hispanic.
“Old ethnicity” referred to IPEDS values including GTQSDLV.
If you choose “not Hispanic” you must choose from the values on GTQSDLV.
Race is not reported to IPEDS, only ethnicity. A student can have multiple races.
What are the questions that students are asked on the app? What are the options?
ID numbers should never be released via ticket, phone, or email. Students can access their ID numbers via Gibson. Students needing ID numbers for transcript orders can enter their SSN or 9 0's in the ID number field.