2023-01-03 Beginning of Term Spring 2023
Compare certified lists to Stephanie’s degree awarded reports
Jana to release all transcripts for all students who
haven’t applied to graduate - no SHAGAPP
Name change requests with no response - don’t release/order until confirmed
Jana will call Parchment to turn transcripts back on
About Law
Law degree dates - JDs, SJDs, LLMs 1/20 - Review with Jana - also Social Work
In spring, the Law School awards all of their degrees on the spring conferral date.
In summer and fall semesters, Law awards JDs, LLMs, and SJDs on dates separate from the rest of the University.
In summer, these degrees are awarded on the day in July equal to the prior spring conferral date.
If the prior spring conferral was May 18, the summer JD, LLM, and SJD conferral will be July 18.
In fall, these degrees are awarded on the day in January equal to the upcoming spring conferral date.
If the upcoming spring conferral is May 20, the previous fall JD, LLM, and SJD conferral will be January 20.
In summer and fall semesters, any non JD, LLM, and SJD Law degrees will be awarded with the rest of the University.
Spring Confirmation
Steph to run batch confirmation first - need to confirm we’re batch confirming
Email 1 needs to go out to enrolled students tomorrow 1/4 (MailChimp)
Working on repeats - 340 total, none are graduating
Need to update feed to spring - Stephanie - Michelle will let her know
Grade changes - Madison, Edna, Jessie and Chloe can do them as well
Dean’s list
Need to move all green checks from grade change dashboard - maybe set up a cycle of once a month to clean them out
Reconcile certified list
Turn Szadegr on after reconciliation
Spring final exam schedule
Check with Meredith to see what schools haven’t been certified/no certified appt
Summer schedule - PDF - basic NTC start and end dates of maymester, early session, late session - send to Duane to post
All dates are in Registrar Reporting Term Config - Proposed Summer 2023_CPR_November 5-2022.docx | Powered by Box