Updating race and ethnicity (SPAIDEN)
Race and ethnicity can be updated in SPAIDEN’s Biographical tab.
There is no self-service option for students to update their race/ethnicity, so we must do it for them.
Students see their recorded race/ethnicity when they confirm their enrollment.
We do not require any documentation to make race/ethnicity changes.
When making a change to a student’s race, provide them with the full list of their options.
We report on Ethnicity to IPEDS. Ethnicity provides two options:
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
We also report on Race to IPEDS. For each race, there may be additional values based on country/regional affiliation.
Students may identify as many races as they indicate.
[1] American Indian or Alaska Native
[2] Asian
[3] Black or African American
[6] Hispanic or Latino
[4] Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
[5] White
Additional indicators
The following table is an extract of the GORRACE Race Code Rules table in Banner.
*When providing students with options from which they can choose, remove the entries indicated with an asterisk ( * ).
Updating Ethnicity
In the SPAIDEN Biographical tab, identify the “New Ethnicity” field. Click the drop down to choose the correct option. Save.
Updating Race
In the SPAIDEN Biographical tab, identify the “Race Information” block. Click into the Race field. If known, enter the Race code, or click the Search button to find the value you’re looking for.
The GORRACE Race Rules table will open. Choose the value by clicking on it and click OK. Save.
Multiple races/identifiers can be added by clicking Insert and choosing additional values.
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