Tulane University Business Process Library
Denise Kidd
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Denise's Index
Action items
Drafts and notes
2022-11-29 Review of Pennant operations calendar
2022-12-08 NTC Summer School
2022-02-28 Pre-Registration (CourseLeaf Path)
2022-04-05 Meeting with UC Boulder
2022-03-28 Guidelines for creating the academic calendar
2022-03-22 Latin honors Spring 2022 commencement
2023-04-06 Marching cards
2022-11-01 Posting SoPA portfolio credit
2022-11-07 IPEDS and race and ethnicity
2023-06-22 Time Status (PT/FT)
2022-11-18 UCASS transcripts
2022-12-07 Localist
2022-12-09 BDM
202-03-06 Updating the SN Banner access request
2023-02-03 ServiceNow
2022-12-12 Athletics NCAA shared governance
2023-01-03 Beginning of Term Spring 2023
2022-12-13 Noodle Banner attributes
2023-01-25 Defining online programs/Noodle
2023-02-02 Confirmation problem Spring 2023
2023-01-25 SoPA lunch
2023-02-01 Streamlining Consortium
2023-02-02 PhD milestones in the degree audit
2023-03-09 SoPA attributes
2023-03-17 Stackable certs
2023-03-28 Conference competencies
2023-03-20 Questions for Amber Gazave
2023-03-28 Adam Burgess
2023-04-04 Tech Jam
2023-02-24 Meeting with Duane Pitre
2022-04-15 Information architecture draft
2022-03-22 Academic calendar
2023-04-06 Data Hub
2023-04-24 GR Public Health student attributes
2023-05-04 Transfer articulation
2023-05-12 TuSA list of help
2023-05-22 Colette's conferencing thing
2023-08-04 Data Policy/Banner Roles
2023-10-19 Entering graduate milestones (Denise's draft)
2023-08-08 TU_BannerUserGroup-L Listserv
2023-09-18 Business undergraduate summer experience meeting
2023-09-19 Law School
2023-10-26 Succession planning [Denise's Draft]
2023-11-07 Using Slate to workflow transfer coursework
2023-11-30 12 Days of Confluence Elements
2024-01-31 Honors incoming first year students
2024-03-05 FGAC with Taylor at Lamar University
2023-06-16 Registrar IT testing
2024-03-17 Block Registration
2024-03-12 SGPADVA
2023-09-13 Withdrawal/LOA channels
2023-03-16 Ellucian
2023-09-25 Elemental Cognition
2023-03-20 Localist
2023-02-24 Stellic demo
2024-07-08 EduNav/SmartPlan demo
2024-06-28 UPenn PATH
2023-03-01 CampusESP Penny Wyatt
2024-05-03 Transfer articulation - CollegeSource TES
2024-04-16 R student type w/PT permission
2024-05-22 GOATPAD
2024-06-07 LABUG Quarterly
2024-06-11 Law school/Del
2024-06-18 Hannah Palmer Stone Center
2024-07-03 Advice on implementing Experience
2024-07-10 Enrollment Management Advisory Board
2023-11-16 Degree Works video 1
2024-07-12 Ocelot platform review
2024-07-12 Gainful Employment - Ellucian
2023-11-17 Post-add checklist
2024-07-22 Medicat/Everbridge
2024-07-12 Paradigm new products/services
2024-07-24 Ocelot virtual assistant training
2024-07-30 Planning NTC Banner training w/KK
2024-08-06 meeting notes
2024-08-09 Colleen Timmons
2024-08-28 NSC FVT/GE Student Detail Report
2024-08-28 EM advisory council
2024-08-29 FVT/GE Reporting
2024-09-13 Law ranking hold and transcript printing
2024-09-16 FERPA flag
20240-09-18 Veterans accounts
2024-09-20 Pre-reg timeline
2024-09-25 EM Advisory Board
2024-10-02 ADVX extract criteria
2024-10-02 Meeting with Del Murray in Law
2024-10-09 Ocelot Connect
2024-10-14 PH LOA/WD
2024-10-21 LABUG Effects of one department on another
2024-10-21 LABUG: Ellucian unexplored services
2024-10-20 LABUG - the random things I thought about
2024-10-22 LABUG Nightmare called curricula
2024-10-22 LABUG Pinto to Limo
2024-10-30 Degree Works Petitions tab security
2024-06-26 Test notes
2024-04-16 Test Tango
2024-10-31 New tool discussion
2022-03-18 Meeting with Duane Pitre
2024-11-06 Shanna and Desiree Pre-College
2024-11-08 Chosen pronoun and gender release
2024-11-08 LABUG BoD Monthly
2024-11-11 Enrollment Management Advisory Board
2024-11-14 Ocelot LABS: Maximizing Student Engagement with Text Messaging
2024-11-20 Name scenarios review (WaveWorks)
2024-11-22 Affiliates Gibson access
2024-11-25 Online grad business
Policy proposals
Professional development
Knowledge management
My planning
About Denise
Business Operations & Continuity Analyst
Registrar Banner security matrix
Copy of Student Intern Information
Denise Kidd
Drafts and notes
2023-11-30 12 Days of Confluence Elements
2023-11-30 12 Days of Confluence Elements