2023-04-06 Marching cards

2023-04-06 Marching cards

Participants: Stephanie D, Colette, Jana, Evan Hart, Robert Morton, Denise

Action items

  • Robert will share what they did from makeup ceremony

  • We will verify fields

  • We will notify schools will return blanks

  • We will feel out sequencing - how they further sort/how students cross the stage

  • We will ask how they want them delivered (sorted)

Steph has sample output - which is a report she runs, which is the data source.

InDesign mail merge vs mail merg in Crystal report

Robert’s team needs Excel spreadsheet of data

Another goal is to print on the cards some of the data depts putting on stickers. CG, Latin Honors, Phonetic name

Jen O’Brien mentioned wanting “hooded by” - not stored in Banner, but can pull list of students and she could add it in a column. She would need it the week before it’s due to Robert’s team.

Collect all fields from all schools to determine what is/isn’t possible. Whether or not a field is printed is dependent on if it’s available before the print deadline.

Blank spaces on the walking cards reflect empty data on spreadsheet

There are 11 ceremonies including the hooding ceremony, which is on Thursday.

Add name to the far right so it’s more visible


Phonetic pronunciations

  • Variability by school

  • Entered in by students, so will vary

  • We are not liable for how these are entered and cannot proof these

Certification mark (circle in upper right)

  • binary, either there or not

  • May want to change the graphic to an alpha character

  • Decision - giant period

In absentia

  • binary, either there or not

Degree specification

  • completion semester, school, degree, field of study

  • Only SSE uses field of study code

  • Jen O’Brien wants description of major under phonetic name

Hooded by

  • Include description of major

Degree line

  • Some use PhD some use Doctor of Philosophy - should it be standardized?

  • Robert to check with Jen to see how she wants it display

Sequence codes

  • Need to determine how they’re sequenced

  • May vary by school

  • Robert can’t commit to this at the moment

  • We may have options for sorting in Crystal reports

  • Ask Jen how she sequences her cards - Robert may be able to help, but need to know the extent of the ask

  • SLA doesn’t seem to use sequencing

  • Maybe ask how they sequenced last year/how they plan to sequence this year, what’s the significance of sequencing (for line-up?) - Jana will contact grad coordinators

  • If they want to write in the sequencing themselves, they can do that

  • Last year - majors alpha’d, students alpha’d by major, but they may have sorted them manually

Counting cards

  • If this works well, count the leftovers rather than cards distributed

  • Can print sequential numbers and college code and level on the blanks, and we just count the remaining blanks

  • We must have the remaining blank cards back