2024-08-28 NSC FVT/GE Student Detail Report
2 releases: This Friday and next week (validation process)
Release 1 10/7 Response to completers list
Release 2/2.1
Release 3/3.1
Standard/transitional cohort: https://theclearinghouse.download/fvtgecohort
Standard - more data, longer period (7 UG, 8 GR)
Transitional - less data, shorter period (2 years for both UG and GR)
https:// theclearinghouse.academic/FVTGEStudentWebinar
Determining the cohort
Based on institutional election
Identify programs with at least 30 completers in the last 4 award years at the CIP code level
Standard Cohort
Non Qual GR programs, NSC will identify students with programs in AYs 2017-18 to 23-24
If student is in qual GR program NSC will also identify programs including the 16-17 award year
Records with program info are added to institutions cohort files
If program info unavailable, associate students are not included
If you want to change your election, must call NSC to make the change. As long as you haven’t reported to NSLDS, can be changed. Selection is valid for 6 years.
Generate Cohort file. Will be sent to FA Officer and FA viewer. One file per award year. Click on year to see any previously generated files.
Upload your Financial Aid Data
6digitOPEID_AwardYear (12356_20192020.csv)
Do not have to wait for all award years, can submit one year at a time.
Data Corrections
All uploaded award years. Shows status of the award year.
Can click Submit to Clearinghouse after you’ve made corrections. Can also reject file to remove it and re-upload.
As you’re updating enrollment record in house and you try to submit file to NSC, will accept except the ones related to the in-house files. Once correct, click Submit to Clearing house
When all are complete, continue to accept and send.
Error Resolution
Errors tab
Record type (annual amount and total amount), Error type (financial or enrollment)
Error codes
missing record: NSC included records in cohort file that meet NSLDS quals for being included in student level cohort that needs to be reported back and someone from institution removed them.
new record error: Add x number of students
New to NSC
New to report - in NSC but ins says they’re missing from cohort report
difference error - NSC sent institution record and it’s been modified
Financial error
Corrected errors list - audit trail for us to keep our place
Warnings tab - ability to not make any changes. Even though it’s a warning, I still want to keep the data the way as it is, so we want you to accept it. Acknowledge and accept.
All students list - can select student to see profile for particular award year
Yellow - Financial aid warning
Red - program information error
Can edit error from side panel or from the main pane.
Can submit student record to NSC from here.
When all errors have been addressed, click Continue to Accept and Send. Can download prepared student level report which shows what’s sent to NSLDS. Click Accept and send to NSLDS. Overnight will push file to NSLDS.
Student level report creation
““ Upload
““ Resource library phase 1
September week 1
Student level report reconciliation
““ Resources Library Phase 2
September week 2
Program file
Program file resource library
What to know now
NSC will build student level files for you so you don’t have to identify students who need to be included.
Provide back the needed FA and cost data elements
Files are returned by award year with multiple conditions
records added
enrollment and FA validations
Discrepancy resolution functionality
Sean McTighe, mctighe@studentclearinghouse.org