2024-10-30 Degree Works Petitions tab security
2024-10-30 Degree Works Petitions tab security
Academic advisors should have the Petitions tab.
Faculty advisors are the main concern here for the Petitions tab. List of 77 individuals
Ideally 1 designee per dept except for very large majors
Deans must approve those who get the Petitions tab.
Will we be rolling back access from those who aren’t approved or an academic advisor? Colette question. Colette indicated faculty can ‘deputize’ someone to do the entry on behalf of the approved faculty.
Need Banner cleanup in SIAINST. Need to know who has ADV and ADVX in DW.
Are faculty required to complete FERPA training?
Go line-by-line to review everyone who has Advisor checkbox in SIAINST. Summer project.