2024-08-29 FVT/GE Reporting

What we want to learn:

  • Which is better for us? Standard or Transitional

    • Number of years to report in standard (7 years) than transitional (2 years).

    • Recommend transitional

    • Compare findings using 2 years vs 3 years

Preventing faculty members from finding out how much aid a student is receiving.

SAIG - student aid information gateway. Needs a key to export the data.

We need a completers list from NSLDS and one from NSC. We have the NSLDS list, but waiting for one from NSC - they will send it to us.

The goal and overall steps -

Goal: submit on time. Goal for consumer is to say whether or not it’s worth the indebtedness for the degree and major.


Old version of GE - only for certificate programs? Generally, yes.

New version - all students who received T4 aid who were enrolled/completed/withdrawn (called the “Completers” list)

30 person completers threshhold - 30 graduates per year in the same CIP.

At the end of 4 years, you get a 3 year cohort regardless of how many received aid.

NSLDS list is true completers (graduates).

Need to give FA access to NSC to verify that information. data at student level comes from NSLDS and FA needs to verifying this,

2018 file is about 2800 students

What’s the scope of the agreement?

  • behind the scenes tech -

  • need help with program list

  • Steph D can help with FA data with Sonda

All programs offered 7 or 2 years ago match OPEID and CIP code.

Anyone enrolled

If they started in August and WD and came back in May and were a student on June 30 they’re included.

reported as biology in august, and october they change, it would be another row. Whatever they completed as is part of the number.

Program list based on what we reported in NSC.



Within GR, we have Masters and PhDs


2026 website for consumers to analyze debt-to-income ratio