2023-01-25 SoPA lunch
Concurrent enrollment
Willow uses a Slate form. Asked for graduation year. They get an email prior to registration telling them it’s time to pick courses. They pick the Willow block they’ll take classes in, number of classes, and classes they want to take. Sam from Willow sends list to Registrar for registration via incident.
Students must be approved by Willow to participate and courses must be approved by Willow (Sam).
Two types
New admits
Identify a time boundary for initial registration
Problems registering due to restrictions
Maybe consider having an information session
Billing - Fee assessment rate code should be BLUS - the fee assessment rate doesn’t roll to future terms for future concurrent enrollment. It’s ok for SoPA to add BLUS to new admits. Registrar adds to continuing upon registration.
REGR 001 all students enrolled
Are these students allowed to WL? No.
Maybe the form can be optimized to be more helpful
Enrollment confirmation
SoPA needs it because to make sure they’re covered in litigation
IT issue with enrollment confirmation
SoPA emails, texts and calls students - consider also use the type 20 email address
Batch confirm certain populations - we can do it on guests and visiting
To do - maintenance access to SZAECFL for Lanaya and Edna
Graduation certification
Would like to simplify the process
Certification would occur via 100% completion on the degree audit
Ellucian consultant will check for how DW is set up, tell us about the processes, roll it out for feedback
Consider reducing double/triple dipping - need to review data on exceptions
Room reservations
Need rooms for orientation for August
Let’s prioritize UG admission, SoPA and orientation
EMS instance consolidation should help
Incident management
Students who are moving to adjuncts to get their transcript - these students should be tagging or mentioning Michelle
Curriculum management
CIM directly feeds to CAT
Learning opportunities in the spring
Looking to identify deadlines to establish the cycle
Grad app holds
Banner quality control
Census report
Coding issues
Incoming freshman for future term. Needs to be Priority 10.
Remind UG admissions to admit Willow/Lusher with priority 20.
College in prison program
Tuition waiver
We don’t want to point them out as incarcerated
Fee waiver at course level currently
Want to move to a student attribute
Campus code can affect billing or admit code
Identify a way to capture LCIW revenue credit