Class Scheduling & Registration GSRMT Subgroup 2023-10-05

Class Scheduling & Registration GSRMT Subgroup 2023-10-05

Attendees: Del (Law), John (BS), Ann (SLA)


Denise to find out from the full team what “coding question - does graduate have to be added to each class” and “dropping classes following batch registration” means.
Denise to find out whether non-degree students and non-degree exchange students can register online.

Subgroup topics to address

  • Non-degree exchange student registration.

    • SLA unsure if they can register online; would like both ND and ND exchange to register online.

    • BS ND can register online; BS ND exchange students must be registered by BS exchange office.

    • Law ND and ND exchange register online and they prefer to keep it that way.

  • Revisit the content and governance of the resignation process.

  • Develop best practices for identifying students who are graduating and need to register but can’t due to grad app received hold.

  • Identify what can be submitted via the description box in the ticket versus when a form is required.

  • Understanding pointers and pointer management as it relates to registration