Dual Degree GSRMT Subgroup 2023-10-04

Dual Degree GSRMT Subgroup 2023-10-04

Attendees: Kourtnie, Angelle, Denise, Jana


Denise will review/revise the level decision tree internally and will present to the subgroup for feedback.


We reviewed the decision tree for level creation. We proposed to enhance the content to include general guidelines for when to use the same level for two programs and when to use two different levels.

  • Same level - two degrees with the same field of study. For example, MS Chem and PhD Chem should both be at the GR level.

  • Different level - two different degrees. For example, MSW at GR and MS at G2.

We also developed a suggested best practice for adding the dual degree indicator in SGASTDN.

  • Student is admitted > Admissions adds dual degree indicator > Program management verifies that all students who need the attribute should have it.

  • Units may want to develop a report with BIA that indicates students in your program that have more than one current/active program, which would give you a list of students who may be eligible for the dual degree indicator.

Kourtnie also asked about how to track BIMI students and ways to simplify the audit to reduce petitions. Denise suggested possible use of attributes that would hook into Degree Works to make a block of BIMI requirements visible. Angelle’s shop is also currently working with Stephanie Mackin on something similar as well as with the Provost’s Office for tracking, so we look forward to the outcome.

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