Viewing and maintaining the dual degree indicator (SGASTDN)

Students pursuing dual degrees should be identified in SGASTDN. Utilizing the dual degree indicator in SGASTDN allows for tracking and monitoring of these populations.

If your dual degree program is not listed in STVDEGC, contact the Office of the Registrar.

In SGASTDN, enter the student’s ID number and effective term for the dual degree indicator. Go.

Dual degree field

Select the Academic and Graduation Status, Dual Degree tab.

In the Dual Degree box, identify the Degree field. A value in the Degree field indicates the student is in a dual degree program.

Click the lookup button to display all available values. If you already know your code, you can enter it now.

Clicking the lookup button opens STVDEGC.

Identify the appropriate value. Double click or click to select and click OK. Save.

Best practices

Graduate programs

The Graduate Student Records Maintenance Team determined that the dual degree indicator is added at the point of admission by the admissions team, while it’s within the scope of program management to verify that all dual degree students have the indicator (and to update as appropriate).