Updating confidentiality options (for students)
Log into your Gibson account and click on the student or alumni tab.
Under records, click “Update Confidentiality Options.”
Review the confidentiality flag disclosure and click or unlock the box next to “Please withhold my directory information.” Click update.
Confidentiality disclosure
In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended (FERPA), Tulane University reserves the right to release "Directory Information" about you to third parties outside the University. This also includes publication of such information in Tulane's online directory. "Directory Information" as defined by Tulane University includes but is not limited to:
Legal name
Chosen name
Permanent, local, & campus addresses
Telephone numbers
Email address
Dates of attendance
Degrees conferred
Full/part time status
Past/Present participation in University sanctioned sports/activities
Physical factors (height, weight, etc. for athletes)
Date/Place of birth
You have the right to request the University to withhold "Directory Information" (subject to some exclusions including but not limited to emergencies). Please consider your decision to withhold Directory Information carefully as ANY and ALL requests for Directory Information will be refused, including but not limited to Dean's list publication, graduation newspaper articles, etc. Please be aware that electing this option will withhold your email address from the Tulane online directory as well as Tulane's email Outlook Global directory. When Tulane faculty, staff, and students attempt to send you an email via Tulane's email network, your email address will not auto-populate in the address bar.
To instruct Tulane University to withhold all directory information, please check the "Please withhold my directory information" box. This action is permanent until such time as you return to this page and change your withholding status. Tulane University will not be responsible for contacting you about individual requests that are refused, regardless of their effect upon you.