Requesting articulation of transfer coursework (Graduate)

Requesting articulation of transfer coursework (Graduate)

Requests for articulation of transfer coursework should be submitted via ticket.


Required documents

Each request must include an official transcript and a list of transfer courses and their TU equivalents. Departments can currently use their own form to provide the list, or they can use our worksheet.

International transcripts should be accompanied by a credential evaluation.


  • Each student is their own request, and each student should have their own ticket.

  • If you have multiple institutions you’re transferring credit from for a student, all institutions for that student can come in the same ticket.

    • Create separate files for each institution with each file including the transfer form and transcript.

About transferred credit

  • The amount of credit transferred to the TU record reflects the amount of credit from the official transcript.

    • If ABC123 was taken for 3 credits on a semester calendar, we cannot apply 2 credits or 4 credits for the course.

    • If ABC123 was taken for 5 credits on a quarter calendar, 3.330 credits are applied to their TU record.

  • Transfer credit is posted effective the student’s first term of matriculation. We cannot create an equivalency for a TU course that is launched after the student’s first term of matriculation.

    • In these cases, the transfer course will be articulated as equivalent to the subject area’s general transfer course number (SUBJ X940).

    • For example, the student’s first term of matriculation is Fall 2022. If articulation is requested of a course to a TU chemistry course that launched in Spring 2024, it cannot be articulated because the course didn’t exist in the first term of matriculation. In these cases, the transfer course is articulated equivalent to CHEM 7940.

  • Courses articulated as general graduate transfer credit (7940) may require you to submit a petition in Degree Works to apply to course to the correct requirement in the audit.

On this page

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