Updating career pointers (SHATCKN)

Updating career pointers (SHATCKN)

Career pointers refer to the level to which a course applies. We can change the level to which a course points or we can change a course such that it simultaneously applies to two levels. Grade pointers are updated in SHATCKN when:

  • The pointer needs to be changed, from one level to another and the grade has been entered.

  • The course needs to be pointed to two levels, for example from GR to GR and G2, and it can only be done once the grade has been entered.

Grade pointers can be updated in SFAREGS prior to grading. See: Changing the level/pointer of a course prior to grading (SFAREGS).

We receive career pointers via form (4+1 dual credit approval form) or formatted spreadsheet.

Career pointers are updated in SHATCKN. Before updating, confirm the course number, CRN, and semester taken, which can be done in SHACRSE.

  1. In SHATCKN, enter the ID and term the course was taken. Go.

    1. Alternatively, you can access SHATCKN via SHACRSE - click the spyglass next to the course you want to change, which takes you to SHATCKN.

  2. You will see a list of courses taken in that semester. Click to select the course needing the pointer change.

  3. Next block twice to the Level block.

    1. If adding a level (“double pointing”), enter the level and Save.

    2. If changing the level, uncheck the primary level indicator box and Save. Add the new level and select as Primary and Save. Remove the incorrect level and Save.

Pointers and previously-awarded degrees

Grade pointers for courses applied to a previously-awarded degree should never be altered.
If a graduate director asks to remove a UG pointer for a course that is associated with an awarded degree, tell them they are welcome to add the GR pointer, but because the UG degree is already awarded, we cannot remove the UG pointer. Previously awarded degrees should never be altered.

If the GR Director is trying to overcome the maximum 12 credit double dip rule for UG/GR degrees (most associated with 4+1 programs), they may seek an exception to add GR credit beyond the 12 credit double dip rule, but this should not be the norm and would need OGPS approval.


Note: If rolled to outcome, you only need to delete SHADIPL and SHADEGR and then roll to outcome again.


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