Updating emergency contact information in Gibson

Every 6 months, students are prompted to verify or update their emergency contact information in Gibson. When it’s time to verify/update students will see a pop up notification leading you through a series of screens. Students cannot continue until the record is verified/updated

The pop up is triggered by the following condition:

Student does not have a record on SPAEMRG/SPREMRG (Emergency Contact) OR the activity date on the latest record is older than 6 months.

If no record exists the following pop-up appears:

If the record is older than 6 months the following pop-up appears:

If the user clicks the update button and the closes out the emergency contact maintenance screen without making any change they pop-up will reappear.

The minimum data required before continuing is First Name, Last Name, Relation, and Phone Number. If text is entered in any of the address fields, all address fields become required.