Business Operations & Continuity Analyst
Upon request
Add content to the business process library
Create accounts and enable permissions in Confluence: Managing Confluence security
Enable access to various Registrar tools: Managing access to Registrar tools
Create accounts and assign FERPA training in Bridge for affiliate employees and student workers: Assigning FERPA training to a student intern or affiliate employee
Enable the Staff/Faculty tab in Gibson for affiliate employees: Enabling the Staff and/or Faculty tabs in Gibson for affiliate employees
Banner training on specific topics for current users
Troubleshoot Banner access: Banner security, access, and training
Articulate graduate level transfer coursework: Adding transfer coursework to a student's record (Registrar)
New Banner user training
Data reconciliation: Resolving errors on the census report (REGR-094), Resolving duplicate programs (REGR-095)
Participate in standing meetings (check-in with Colette, leadership team, Registrar-IT ServiceNow, staff meeting, A-Reg)
Submit weekly highlights to Colette
Facilitate the Graduate Student Records Maintenance Team meetings: Graduate Student Records Maintenance Team
Facilitate Tulane Transfer Articulation Team meetings: TU Transfer Articulation Team (TUTAT) meeting notes
Participate in monthly LABUG executive board meeting
Back up Confluence: Save here
Outstanding curricula: Resolving outstanding curricula, Cleaning Banner curriculum data after degree conferral - REG_OUTSTANDING_CURRIC_C
Use term config data to create lists of academic dates and deadlines in Localist for publishing to our website: Creating an academic calendar widget in Localist, Converting the master term file to a Localist-formatted .csv, Copying an event in Localist, Editing an existing event in Localist
Sign up for Teams shifts to support registration
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