Adding transfer coursework to a student's record (Registrar)

TU uses two methods of adding transfer coursework to a student’s record: via the transfer articulation process and by adding to SHATRNS. The SHATRNS method is approved by exception only.

See also: Transfer coursework governance


  1. Create new institution if needed (STVSBGI)

    1. Add address, phone number, and website (SOASBGI)

  2. Set up an institution as a transfer articulation institution (SOABGTA)

    1. Define transfer grades (SHATGRD)

  3. Enter transfer coursework equivalencies (SHATATR)

  4. Articulate transfer coursework for a student (SHATAEQ)

Associated validation tables

STVACPR: Acceptance code validation

STVCALD: Calendar type validation

STVTLVL: Transfer level code validation

STVACST: Institutional accreditation status validation

STVTAAU: Acceptance authority code

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