Articulating one transfer course to multiple TU courses

Follow the steps in When entering the TU-equivalent courses in the Equivalent Course block, enter the credits used for each course.

About parentheses

Parentheses are rarely used and are only needed when the articulation applies to a group of courses OR another group of courses.

Example 1

For example, if a 4 credit course is coming in as CHEM 1070/1075, articulate as:

  1. CHEM 1070, 3.0 credits used, save.

  2. Insert another equivalent course for CHEM 1075, 1.0 credit used, change the and/or column on the 1075 course from None to And, save.

Quarter hours

  • With a 4.0 quarter course that equals 2.67 semester hours, you will have to make the course credits used as 2.0 and .667 or some sort of ratio to add up to the semester hour equivalent.

  • In SHATAEQ, the credits get entered as the quarter hours and Banner converts them to semester hours in articulation but we need to enter them in SHATATR to make sure co-requisites are the appropriate semester hour match to avoid a mismatch during conversion.

Example 2

This is a good example that is similar to the quarter credit issue.

  • This school uses units where 1.0 unit = 4.0 semester hours (you see this in the course details where transfer is 1 and converted is 4).

  • In articulation, Banner will automatically convert the 1.0 credits to 4.0 hours, thanks to the calendar term listed in SOABGTA—but we still need to make sure the credits used for the equivalencies add up to the total number of equivalent semester hours rather than the 1.0 listed as the transfer unit.

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