2025-02-26 Ocelot-Banner integration testing

All will go live non-integrated. Those ready will then have integration moved over to Prod for each as they become ready.

Need to send Jody ID numbers on integrated testing spreadsheet - DONE


support email is best if there are issues

Denise can’t authenticate as a student via SSO to test from the student’s perspective.

Chad and Jody investigating if we can use CAS for testing and SSO for prod.

Our new project person at Ocelot is Monica Lizzul. Our new Ocelot tech person is Christin Deville.

Follow up email from Monica:

Apologies for the formatting in my last email, hoping this looks better!

Here are the whitelisted IP ranges that were asked about on the call as well:

Inbound to Tulane

Outbound (if Tulane has outbound firewall rules)

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 9:49 AM Christin Deville <christin.deville@ocelot.ai> wrote:

Thank you for meeting today, it was a pleasure to see everyone.

Here's a summary of what Tulane needs to do to accommodate the sandbox Virtual Assistant we're going to set up for testing: Load balancer URLs The test load balancer forwarding can continue to forward with its current configuration:

Tulane will need to need to forward traffic to the production webhook server from the prod load balancer URL:

https://ocelot.tulane.edu to tocelot1p01 SSO We currently have the metadata below for the production Virtual Assistant. Please let Ocelot know if we need new metadata for the sandbox SSO application. We don't have Ocelot's metadata for sandbox yet, we will send it when we have the sandbox Virtual assistant spun up on our side. https://login.microsoftonline.com/9de98183-25d9-4b13-9fc3-4de5489c1f3b/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml?appid=60c2b880-bbd3-409a-b79a-459048dc5bdd Testing accounts Tulane will set up test users as needed to accomodate testing scenarios.

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 8:25 AM Monica Marcinek Lizzul <support@ocelotbotservice.freshdesk.com> wrote:

Good morning folks!

I'm looking forward to meeting you today. 

I am not sure if Sara shared this with you, so I am sending over a link to a Banner testing best practices slide deck. It is updated with my contact info. 

And this is the spreadsheet of questions you'll want to test: 


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