Posting contingent-based credit
Math 1310 Consolidated Calculus (4) Prerequisite: A score of 3 or higher on the AB or BC Calculus AP test or permission of the Mathematics department undergraduate coordinator. A combined course in Calculus I and II for students with a background in Calculus I. Students receive credit for both this course and 1210 if they receive a B- or higher. Students may not receive credit for both 1310 and 1220. - NEEDS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Cambridge A Level Exams
Post equivalents as identified in request. SoPA uses the NTC equivalencies.
Section - 97
Campus - U
Status - A
Schedule Type - ICA
Instructional Method - TR
Part of Term - 1
The only box at the bottom that should be checked is Gradable.
Grade - FS
Grade Mode - Z
Credit Hours - 3
Attempted Hours - 0
Change Reason - OE
Enter the level and check the Primary Level Indicator.