Viewing a summary of a student's registration terms, academic standing, and curricula (SOAIDNS)

In addition to displaying address details and active email addresses, SOAIDNS provides a summary of registration terms, academic standing, and curricula.

In the Person Search Detail block, enter the ID number (or search by first and last name if needed). Click Go.

  • A list of records displays. Note that when an individual changes their name, it creates a new person search record, so don’t be alarmed if you see multiple lines for the same person.


The Soundex Search allows you to search based on the “sounds like…” for the first and last name.

Navigating the blocks

You can click on a block to activate it, which allows you to scroll between pages. Alternatively, you can use the next/previous block buttons (CTRL + Page Up/Page Down) to move between blocks. Note that you can adjust the number of records you see per page.

Address Details and Active Email Addresses

Note the Address Details and Active Email Addresses blocks.

Registration Terms

The Registration Terms block shows a list of all terms in which the student was registered. Other information about the student’s activity in that term is provided such as time status and credits registered.

Academic History

The Academic History block shows a list of all terms in which the student had academic history and their academic standing. Note that no value in Academic Standing presumes good academic standing.

General Learner, Curricula Summary, and Field of Study Summary blocks

The remaining blocks show a summary of the General Learner record for each term of enrollment, which includes the student’s status for that term. As you scroll through the records, you may see the values in the Curricula Summary and Field of Study Summary blocks, which indicate the student’s program and major(s)/minor(s) for the term selected.



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