Cross-listing sections in CLSS
Only “children” (secondary sections) can ask to be cross-listed with a “parent” (primary section). This is done so that another department does not take over a course section without that section’s permission. A child (secondary) can only have one parent (primary), but a parent (primary) may have many children (secondary); the children are “siblings” of each other.
Course sections
Double-click on the section to be designated as the child.
Edit section
In the ‘Edit Section’ screen, choose the course section in the ‘Cross-list With’ drop-down menu. A list will begin to appear as you type.
Once ‘Cross list With’ is saved, the parent section’s instructor, room, and schedule will replace any data in these fields on the child section. There is no undo button here.
Click ‘Save Section’. Repeat these steps for each child section.
The child section will display the name of the parent section at the top in the light purple bar, which links to the parent.
Changes to the cross-listed sections' meeting patterns must be made in the parent section.
After a cross-listing is saved, the Cross-list Enrollment field will appear. This field must be filled or students will be unable to register.
Cancelling a cross-listed section
When cancelling a cross-listed section, remove the cross-list before cancelling the section.
To remove the cross-listing, click the red X on the cross-listed course.
ID numbers should never be released via ticket, phone, or email. Students can access their ID numbers via Gibson. Students needing ID numbers for transcript orders can enter their SSN or 9 0's in the ID number field.