Course section creation, course inheritance, and modifications

Course section creation, course inheritance, and modifications


This will test the creation of a course section, ensuring the section inherits the course-level attributes, changes made to the section, and connectivity with CLSS and Class Schedule. 

Forms and/or applications


Test steps

  1. Prior to testing, select an existing course (SCACRSE) with a course-level attribute (SCADETL) that will be inherited by a newly-created section (in SSADETL).

    1. Note the subject, course number, and course-level attribute in the testing workbook 

  2. Log into Banner test (https://bannertest.tulane.edu) as a Registrar’s Office staff member 

    1. Navigate to SSASECT 

      1. Enter Term 

      2. Click Create CRN 

    2. Navigate to the Course Section Information tab 

      1. In the Course Section Information block: 

        1. Enter selected subject code in Subject 

        2. Enter selected course number in Course Number 

        3. Enter new section number in Section 

          1. Note the section number in testing workbook 

        4. Enter U (Uptown) for Campus 

        5. Enter A (Active) for Status 

        6. Select a valid Schedule Type from the list 

      2. In the Class Type block 

        1. Enter 1 for Part of Term 

        2. Tab to populate POT dates 

        3. Click Save. Note the CRN in testing workbook  

    3. Navigate to the Section Enrollment Information tab 

      1. In the Enrollment Details block: 

        1. Enter a value for Maximum Enrollment 

          1. Note initial max enrollment in testing workbook 

        2. Enter 0 or 999 for Waitlist Maximum 

        3. Enter a value for Projected Enrollment 

    4. Navigate to the Meeting Times and Instructor tab 

      1. In the Schedule block: 

        1. Select a valid Meeting Time code from the list. (Or Tab twice to move the cursor to the Start Date, to auto-populate the Start/End Dates based on the part of term. Now you may enter the day(s), (military) time(s), and building/ room manually.)

        2. Click Save 

      2. In the Instructor block: 

        1. Enter any Instructor/Registrar TUID in the ID field to populate the instructor 

          1. Note initial instructor in the testing workbook 

        2. Click Save 

    5. Navigate to SSADETL 

      1. Input the Term  

      2. Input the CRN 

      3. Click Go 

    6. Navigate to the Degree Program Attributes tab 

      1. Compare course-level attribute from above to the section-level attributes 

        1. Note pass/fail in the testing workbook 

    7. Navigate to SSARRES 

      1. Input the Term  

      2. Input the CRN 

      3. Click Go 

    8. Enter a restriction, for example: 

      1. Navigate to the Class and Level tab

        1. In the Class Restrictions block:

          1. Click the Include radio button

            1. Enter JR in the Class field 

        2. Note any restrictions added in the testing workbook 

      2. Click Save 

  3. Log into CLSS test (https://tulane-test.courseleaf.com/wen) with your Tulane SSO credentials.
    (Contact the Class Scheduling team if you can’t log in; they can give you admin access.) 

    1. Select the term of the course’s section.

    2. Select the scheduling unit (academic department) of the course.
      (If you don’t know it, reference Banner > SCACRSE > enter the course info > click Go. Look for the code under Department.)
      IMPORTANT: Make sure the scheduling unit is in Refine Mode, not Design Mode.

    3. Change the instructor for the section.

    4. https://tulaneregistrar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/REGISTRAR/pages/154206209  

      1. Meredith was not able to complete this – bridge issue?? 

  4. Navigate to Class Schedule test (https://classschedule.test.tulane.edu/

    1. Search for the new CRN via the subject area menu  

    2. Alternately search for the CRN based on the SSADETL attribute 

      1. Confirm CRN is present 

      2. Confirm maximum enrollment

      3. Confirm restrictions reflect changes made above 

      4. Confirm instructor reflect changes made above 

        1. Note pass/fail in the testing workbook 

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