Student Grades and GPA
This will test the ability to make grade changes to a student’s record, and some downstream consequences of those changes.
Forms and/or applications
SHATCKN, SHAINST, Gibson, Unofficial Transcript, Degree Audit
Test Steps
Prior to testing, select a student with grade history in a prior term
Note student’s TUID, level, and term in the testing workbook
Log into Banner test ( as a Registrar’s Office staff member
Navigate to SHATERM
Input the student’s TUID and level
Click Go
Navigate to the Current Standing tab
Prior to making any changes, note the student’s Last Term Attended and Overall GPA in the testing workbook
Navigate to the Term GPA and Course Detail Information tab
In the Term GPA block, scroll to the term selected in step 1
Prior to making any changes, note the student’s Institutional GPA in the testing workbook
Prior to making any changes, note one or more courses and grades in the testing workbook
Navigate to SHATCKN
Input the Student’s TUID and term noted above
Click Go
In the Course Detail block, navigate to the course(s) you wish to change (noted in testing workbook)
Click next block (down arrow in lower left side of screen) to enter the Grades block
Click Insert
Enter a new grade for the course
Enter Grade Mode
Enter Credit Hours
Enter a Change Reason other than OE (Original Entry)
Click Save
Note any changes made in the testing workbook
Navigate to SHAINST
Navigate to the Stored GPA by Term Calculation tab
Click Recalculate GPA
Navigate to SHATERM
Input the student’s TUID and level
Click Go
Confirm changes to the student’s term GPA and cumulative GPA
Note the new values in the testing workbook
Log into Gibson test ( as a Registrar’s Office staff member
Navigate to the Advisor tab
Under Advising List, click Search
Click By Student Tulane ID
Enter student’s TUID
Click Search
Click the View button under Transcript to view the student’s Unofficial Transcript
Navigate to the term in which changes were made
Confirm student’s term GPA and cumulative GPA match updated values in SHATERM
Note pass/fail in the testing workbook
From the Gibson Advisor tab, click the View button under Degree Audit to view the student’s Degree Works degree audit
Click PROCESS to make sure student’s audit is up-to-date
Confirm student’s cumulative GPA matches updated value in SHATERM
Note pass/fail in the testing workbook