Upcoming construction projects 2023 and beyond



  • Newcomb Hall, first floor renovation per SLA Dean’s office request, tentative start: summer 2023 

  • We will lose general pool rooms 115 and 119 

  • We will gain two brand new spaces (with the same capacity) in the basement of NH to replace these rooms 

  • Construction will take 1 full year (summer 2023-> summer 2024) 

  • The entire first floor of NH will be out of commission, stair cases and ADA rear entrance/elevator will be in operation 

  • *Sound concerns for basement rooms and second floor* 

  • NH 120 and NH 123 might be offline in fall 2023 

  • Percival Stern - The roof needs to be replaced: date TBD 

  • Roger’s Chapel - The roof needs to be replaced: Summer 2023 

  • Dixon Hall - The roof needs to be replaced: Summer 2023 

  • McAlister Auditorium - The roof needs to be replaced: Summer 2023 

  • Jones Hall - Possible work (long-term study has been proposed for many years, but no firm dates) 

  • Richardson Memorial Hall still going until at least 2024 

  • Paul Hall: ongoing (completion date??) 

  • River and Lake Dorms: ongoing (classroom coming online tentatively fall 2023) 


  • Charity Hospital: partially online in 2025 

  • Charity will include 20 new general pool rooms across the first and second floors 

  • They will be for SOPA, SPHTM, SOM and SOWK courses 

  • A range of sizes (1 315-seater auditorium, some 60+seaters, some 30-45 seaters, some 16-25 seaters) 

  • We need input from these schools on layout and capacity 

  • Charity completion will kick off another series of projects Downtown/Elmwood: 

  • SOPA will leave Elmwood for Charity 

  • SPTHM will leave Tidewater for Charity (this will kick off renovations in Tidewater, floors 8,9,13,17 

  • Tidewater will become almost entirely offices after Charity is open 

  • SOM will renovate Hutchinson floor 7 prior to Charity being completely done 

Next round of general pool classroom updates

There will be no general pool room updates in Summer 2023 (confirmed by Amber Beezly 12/6/2022) 

  • HT 116/119 needs actual white boards, not white board paint 

  • Same for HT B16 

  • Look into making HT B16 a true seminar room 

  • Reduce capacity in NH 4th floor general pool rooms: 

  • 22 capacity rooms-> 20 capacity 

  • 26 capacity room-> 25 capacity 

  • 29 capacity room->25 capacity 

  • HE 201 Renovation and upgrade 

  • Renovate NH 202 

  • Update remaining Gibson Hall GP rooms (Ex: 400A and 400D, maybe 308 and 310) 

  • Update Navy Bldg GP rooms 

  • Look for opportunities for a few more true seminar rooms  

  • Jones Hall GP updates 

Charity Information from 11/29 meeting

  • Office of Registrar wants to stress uniformity for all general pool classrooms with technology, furniture and design, as much is possible. 

  • We want all new rooms to be ADA compliant for both students and faculty (ADA desks and lecterns, etc.) 

  • Some rooms should have flexible furniture layout that allows for faculty/sections to re-arrange furniture as needed 

  • Tech should be mostly uniform to tech in GP rooms uptown, per Nola Powell 

  • Acoustic ceilings in rooms with hard floors (mostly restored terrazzo) other rooms will have carpet, we emphasized Facilities desire for carpet squares for maintenance) 

  • Window coverings are a must in all rooms, black out if possible