Upcoming construction projects 2023 and beyond
Newcomb Hall, first floor renovation per SLA Dean’s office request, tentative start: summer 2023
We will lose general pool rooms 115 and 119
We will gain two brand new spaces (with the same capacity) in the basement of NH to replace these rooms
Construction will take 1 full year (summer 2023-> summer 2024)
The entire first floor of NH will be out of commission, stair cases and ADA rear entrance/elevator will be in operation
*Sound concerns for basement rooms and second floor*
NH 120 and NH 123 might be offline in fall 2023
Percival Stern - The roof needs to be replaced: date TBD
Roger’s Chapel - The roof needs to be replaced: Summer 2023
Dixon Hall - The roof needs to be replaced: Summer 2023
McAlister Auditorium - The roof needs to be replaced: Summer 2023
Jones Hall - Possible work (long-term study has been proposed for many years, but no firm dates)
Richardson Memorial Hall still going until at least 2024
Paul Hall: ongoing (completion date??)
River and Lake Dorms: ongoing (classroom coming online tentatively fall 2023)
Charity Hospital: partially online in 2025
Charity will include 20 new general pool rooms across the first and second floors
They will be for SOPA, SPHTM, SOM and SOWK courses
A range of sizes (1 315-seater auditorium, some 60+seaters, some 30-45 seaters, some 16-25 seaters)
We need input from these schools on layout and capacity
Charity completion will kick off another series of projects Downtown/Elmwood:
SOPA will leave Elmwood for Charity
SPTHM will leave Tidewater for Charity (this will kick off renovations in Tidewater, floors 8,9,13,17
Tidewater will become almost entirely offices after Charity is open
SOM will renovate Hutchinson floor 7 prior to Charity being completely done
Next round of general pool classroom updates
There will be no general pool room updates in Summer 2023 (confirmed by Amber Beezly 12/6/2022)
HT 116/119 needs actual white boards, not white board paint
Same for HT B16
Look into making HT B16 a true seminar room
Reduce capacity in NH 4th floor general pool rooms:
22 capacity rooms-> 20 capacity
26 capacity room-> 25 capacity
29 capacity room->25 capacity
HE 201 Renovation and upgrade
Renovate NH 202
Update remaining Gibson Hall GP rooms (Ex: 400A and 400D, maybe 308 and 310)
Update Navy Bldg GP rooms
Look for opportunities for a few more true seminar rooms
Jones Hall GP updates
Charity Information from 11/29 meeting
Office of Registrar wants to stress uniformity for all general pool classrooms with technology, furniture and design, as much is possible.
We want all new rooms to be ADA compliant for both students and faculty (ADA desks and lecterns, etc.)
Some rooms should have flexible furniture layout that allows for faculty/sections to re-arrange furniture as needed
Tech should be mostly uniform to tech in GP rooms uptown, per Nola Powell
Acoustic ceilings in rooms with hard floors (mostly restored terrazzo) other rooms will have carpet, we emphasized Facilities desire for carpet squares for maintenance)
Window coverings are a must in all rooms, black out if possible