Opening EMS web app for event requests

This is typically done on the first day of the semester. At this time we allow users to request rooms, however we do not review/approve requests until the third week of the semester.


In the EMS desktop app: 

Configuration > Everyday User Applications > Everyday User Process Templates > General Pool Room Request Form > Edit > Booking Rules tab > Booking Days

Select Specific Date in first drop down + Only Allow New Bookings Prior to This Date (input end of target semester date)


Select “Specific Date” in 2nd drop down + Only Allow New Bookings On/After This Date (input first day of the 3rd week of the target semester)

Click Ok


After the first 2 weeks of the semester, update the settings to allow requests to be submitted for event dates with at least 3 days’ notice.

In the EMS desktop app:

Configuration > Everyday User Applications > Everyday User Process Templates > General Pool Room Request Form > Edit > Booking Rules tab > Booking Days

Keep first drop down and associated settings the same


select Range of Days from 2nd drop down list + check box next to “Use New Booking Cutoff Time”, select cutoff time (4pm is good) + enter “3” for number of days

Click Ok