Creating and registering for an independent study, internship, or honors thesis course (Banner)

Independent study, internship, and honors thesis sections are created in Banner after the last day to add, but created in CLSS prior to the last day to add on the academic calendar.

Generally, independent studies should be created by the department scheduler. Dept schedulers have the ability to create independent studies both before and after the last day to add deadline. Reply to ticket requests to create/add independent studies with the -0 section info (search course title abbreviation and number in SSASECT) and contact info for the dept scheduler.

Honors thesis is treated the same way as an independent study when creating sections and registering.

Department schedulers

If the dept scheduler does not know how to create the independent study, provide the instructions for them below. This Confluence page can be exported to PDF (click the […] in top right to export) and sent via email or ticket as an attachment. If they need additional assistance, refer them to the Class Scheduling team for guidance.

Note that -0 sections should be default sections, used only for the purpose of displaying on the Class Schedule website to alert students that the class is being offered. -0 sections should not customize their titles, specify credit hours, assign instructors or enroll students; these updates should be done on the copied/ numbered sections.

  • If a -0 section of the course has not been created yet, the dept scheduler can create it in CLSS by the last day to add. Once a -0 section is created, a dept scheduler can copy it to a numbered section in Banner. (Dept schedulers do not have access to create -0 sections in Banner; they can only copy existing -0 sections to create new numbered sections.)

  • If a -0 section does not exist after the last day to add, but a dept scheduler needs to create a numbered section, they must contact the Class Scheduling Team.

Create the section in Banner

Identify the course/-0 section to use and copy.

Look up course in SSASECT to determine what section # to allocate to new independent study/honors thesis/etc

  • Click […] button next to the CRN field, which opens SSASECQ (Schedule Section Query)

  • Enter the term and click ‘Add Another Field’ drop down. Select ‘Subject’ and ‘Course’, then enter info in search bar for Subject (i.e. ACCN) and Course (i.e. 7660), then click ‘Go’

  • All sections of the course within the term will be listed on right. Note the next section number to use. Example: If a -01, -02, and -03 section exist already, the next section number to use would be -04

  • Double clicking on the CRN field of a particular line will take you back to SSASECT with Term and CRN info auto-filled for that course. You can double click on the -0 section or X out back to SSASECT

Enter Term and CRN into SSASECT, then click ‘Copy CRN’

Verify ‘Default Term’ is correct. Enter CRN of -0 section again in ‘Default CRN’ field, then hit Tab. Click ‘Process Default’

We believe that department schedulers can copy only “0” sections of CRNs. If you’re interested in testing this theory or can confirm/deny, contact us at

Course Section Information

Make needed changes in the Course Section Information block. Particularly:

  • Title

    • HTH, IND, and INT classes are more specialized classes than regular Special Topics, because typically only one student takes each section

    • On a student's actual section, the title must be customized from the default title of "Honors Thesis"

    • The custom title can be anything, even something used before (although unlikely)

  • Section

    • Should be the next sequential section number, as noted when previously looking up the course/section #s in SSASECQ

  • Special Approval

    • Marking ‘Special Approval’ as ‘DA’ (department approval required) or ‘IA’ (instructor approval required) is not of consequence, since we will be adding course once section created

  • Grade Mode

    • If you don’t enter this field, the section will auto-fill the default grade mode for course, as identified in SCACRSE

Class Type

  • Part of Term

    • “1” is the full term

Credit Hours

  • Credit Hours

    • Indicate the credit hours and billing hours in the appropriate fields

    • These two values must match

Class Indicators

  • Uncheck ‘Voice Response and Self-Service Available’ to prevent the section from displaying on the schedule of classes

  • Click ‘Save’ and image-20240816-162837.png to the next block

Section Enrollment

  • Set the enrollment ‘Maximum’ capacity to one

    • For independent study courses, the max capacity can be set to no more than 2

  • Enter the same value in ‘Maximum’ and ‘Projected’ fields and 0 in ‘Waitlist’ field

  • Click ‘Save’ and image-20240816-162837.png to the next block

Meeting Times and Instructor

  • Enter ‘NT’ (No Time) in ‘Meeting Time’ field, then hit Tab to auto-fill the start date and end date, then Save

Meeting Location and Credits

  • Enter ‘0' in 'Hours per Week’ field and click Save

    • Tulane does not track this in Banner, thus the zero

You’ll be redirected back to Meeting Dates tab

  • Click on the space for 'ID' in the Instructor block and enter the instructor’s TUID

    • Look up an instructor’s TUID using SOAIDEN (search by first and last name) or GUISRCH (search by TU email address)

  • Hit tab to auto-fill instructor’s name, then check box for ‘Override Indicator’, and Save

Registration in Banner

  • Register the student for the class in SFAREGS

    • SOADEST screen populates when using SFAREGS for the first time in a Banner session

    • Exit by clicking X in upper left corner

  • In SFAREGS, enter Term and student ID and click Go

  • image-20240816-165344.png down from the Enrollment Information section to Course information section

  • Enter the CRN for section created, then hit Tab for course information to auto-fill

    • In lieu of the CRN, you could instead enter the course subject, field, and section number

  • Check the Appr Recd box

  • Click ‘Save' in bottom right once. An ‘Department Approval Required’ error will pop up. Click into the space of ‘Override’ column for the course. A drop down appears, select ‘Yes’, then click 'Save’ twice

  • You’ll be redirected to SFAREGS main page and a green message pop-up will appear stating ‘Student registered’


Additional notes

  • Maximum hours will exceed if course is added. Message displays: Maximum hours exceeded. Contact advisor who can increase number of hours, if allowable.

  • To remove the course change course status to DD-­‐Drop Delete and record remove. Save.

  • When creating a section of a variable credit course, you must enter the number of credit and of billing hours.

  • If after saving a record on SSASECT you discover an error and no students are registered, you can correct the error(s).

  • If students have registered, you can update: enter/change course title, section number, uncheck void response and self-service, instructor, etc.

  • If students have registered, you CANNOT change: part of term, schedule type. Updating the billing or credits after a student has been registered may require consulting with Accounts Receivable, depending on when these two values were updated.

  • You can delete an entire section as long as no student is enrolled. To delete a section, use the “remove record” option and SAVE. You can also cancel the section if you prefer to preserve the history.

  • Numbering conventions

    • Undergrad independent study - either 4910 or 4920

    • Honors thesis - 4990 (fall) - grade mode “Yearlong”, 5000 (spring) - grade mode Standard

    • Internships - numbers can vary



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