Class & Classroom Scheduling

Class & Classroom Scheduling

In this section

Communication templates

Attachment: current list of course-level fees

Good afternoon,

In anticipation of the upcoming Call for Fall 2023 Classes, we need to ensure the accuracy of existing
fees before we roll the data. (The Call for Fall 2023 Classes will go out soon and will have more
information, including the full scheduling timeline.)

Attached is a list of current course-level fees; course-level fees will copy to the section level after Banner
rolls the data to Fall 2023. The list is sorted A-Z by department: please review the fees for your
department (noting that you may be assigned to multiple departments), indicate any changes that
will be effective Fall 2023, and return the list to us by Monday, November 14, 2022 (you may reply to
this email with your response).

  • You are receiving this email because you are currently assigned the role of Scheduler in CLSS for one or
    more departments. If you are unsure of your current roles or feel they need to be updated, please let us

  • To change a fee, enter the new fee in the “FEE AMOUNT updated” column.

  • To delete a fee, enter “$0” in the “FEE AMOUNT updated” column.

  • To add a fee to a course that currently doesn’t have one (and so is not on this spreadsheet),
    please insert a row into the spreadsheet and fill in the new data, including subject and course
    number, fee detail code and fee $ amount.

  • To change a fee at only the section level for Fall 2023, do not indicate this on the
    spreadsheet. Please indicate it in the “Comments to Registrar” for that section in Courseleaf
    CLSS. (Examples: special topics, tuition-waived sections)

  • If there are no changes to any fees, you may respond to this ticket by saying “no changes to

(Note: All fees must be listed as “Flat” and not by credit hour. Please let us know if you have any
questions about this.)
Thank you!

Attachment: list of classrooms

With the start of the fall 2022 semester fast approaching, I wanted to reach out and re-confirm the
general pool classroom list and operations for the fall semester. The first day of classes for the fall
2022 semester is 8/22.

Attached to this email is a spreadsheet with all fall 2022 classrooms that should be locked and
unlocked daily by TUPD/Allied Security. During the fall semester, all of these rooms should be
unlocked Monday-Friday, no later than 7:30am and should be locked after 11pm. Over the
weekends, general pool classrooms (on the attached spreadsheet) should only be unlocked for
confirmed event bookings.

TUPD/Allied Security will continue to receive reports from our office daily with after-hours events
and weekend events. If you are not receiving these reports, or if additional TUPD/Allied Security
staff need to receive these reports, please let us know and we can get them added to the
distribution list.

Can you confirm Jelfer@tulane.edu and m3miller@tulane.edu are still active employees with TUPD?
We have been getting ‘undeliverable’ auto-responses to these email addresses when we send our
daily reports.

As always, we cannot thank you enough for all of your support. Your diligence makes a world of
difference for our faculty and staff, and for that we are so appreciative! Please let us know if you
have any questions and we look forward to a great semester.

Attachment: semester timeline


For your upcoming CLSS Scheduler training, I’ve attached some resources that we will cover.

Also, here is the link that you will use when accessing CourseLeaf CLSS: https://nextcatalog.tulane.edu/wen (and then log in with your usual Tulane credentials)

This link, and some of the attached resources, can also be found on the Registrar’s webpage: https://registrar.tulane.edu > Classrooms & Scheduling > Scheduling Guidelines & Forms 

Additional reference material such as our scheduler’s instruction manual can also be found there on our website.

Thank you!


Attachment: semester timeline


Attached is an instructional Powerpoint for CLSS approvers – we’ll go over this during the training.

Here is the link for the Approver webpage (you will log in using your Tulane credentials): nextcatalog.tulane.edu/courseleaf/approve/

And if you ever need to make edits to a section before you approve it (an option instead of completely rejecting it/ rolling it back), there’s a supplemental attachment on how to do this – we’ll go over all of it during our Zoom!

Our approved timelines, including Spring 2023, can found on our website: registrar.tulane.edu/scheduling-guidelines-and-forms

Thanks, and see you then!


It is time to call for Summer and Fall 2023 classes!

The Summer and Fall 2023 Timeline was designed to give your department enough
time to input and review all of your classes, approve them in workflow, and for the
Registrar to bridge them, provide you helpful feedback and answer all your questions.
The timeline is attached here, and will also be found on the Registrar’s website under
“Scheduling Guidelines and Forms.”

Schedulers, you will continue to use CourseLeaf CLSS to enter and submit your
classes. You may begin entering your classes into CLSS today, Monday,
November 21.

Chairs and Deans, your schedule needs to be approved by no later than Friday,
January 13, 2023, so that the Registrar’s Office can complete its checks and room
assignments by Thursday, February 2, 2023.

Our office will provide online CLSS training sessions for any users who are new or
need a refresher (for any role – scheduler or approver); if your school is interested in
a group training, please let us know! The CLSS Instruction Manual for schedulers can
be found on the Registrar’s website here; the instructional Powerpoint for approvers is
available upon request.

Honors Weekend registration begins on Monday, March 20, 2023; Priority
Registration for continuing students begins on Wednesday, April 12, 2023.


  • Schedule distribution: University policy requires that all department
    schedules are evenly distributed throughout all time blocks (Monday - Friday,
    8:00am - 4:50pm) for Fall.

    • You should use all standard meeting patterns once (listed here);
      then, if any sections remain to be scheduled, you should re-use each
      pattern a second time, repeating the process for a third time, and so on
      (from Scheduling Guidelines). (This may depend on your department’s
      total number of sections.)

    • Evenly distributing your Fall schedule will be electronically enforced
      in CLSS.

  • Contact hours: In-person schedule types (LEC, SEM, LAB, ACT, REC, TUT)
    require a meeting pattern, and each credit hour requires a minimum total of 750
    contact minutes based on SACS standards (or 50 minutes per credit hour,
    per week). (Please account for academic holidays – the Academic Calendar
    can be found here.)

  • Please be sure you have selected the correct grade mode for each
    section before you submit your schedule. Incorrect grade modes delay final
    grade submissions, which prevents graduating students from being certified.

  • Co-requisites: We are aware that co-reqs can present time-conflict
    challenges when multiple sections of each course number are offered. If your
    department needs assistance with scheduling co-reqs, please let us know.

  • NTC sections must continue to offer waitlists in all Fall and Spring
    semesters. (Exceptions: Sections with mandatory co-reqs cannot have
    waitlists.) Waitlists should not be offered in Summer semesters.
    For Summer 2023, the scheduling process has been modified for

  • Newcomb-Tulane College’s Summer School and for specialized School of
    Liberal Arts summer programs. Affected departments will be sent a follow-up
    email on this.

Please share this email with anyone in your department involved in the class
scheduling process, and please alert us if the people assigned to your CLSS
scheduler or approver roles need to be updated.

We have confidence that this upcoming semester will be a positive one! Please know
that you can always reach out to the Class Scheduling team with questions
about Courseleaf CLSS – this is what we are here for! While we do experience
high traffic during certain times, we strive to assist you in any way we can. This
involves effective communication on both sides:

  • Timeliness: When you experience an error you don’t know how to fix, please
    alert us in a timely manner. (As deadlines approach, the likelihood increases
    that we may be experiencing high traffic across departments, so please keep
    that in mind – we appreciate your patience!)

  • Comments to Registrar: Please use this textbox in CLSS whenever possible,
    if you need to communicate directly with us.

  • Trouble-shooting: Please be specific in describing the error you experience;
    exact wording of error messages or screenshots (via ServiceNow tickets) help
    expedite your request.

  • Urgent requests: Please call!

THANK YOU as always, for all the hard work you do – we appreciate it very

Attachment: list of sections

With the Final exam period approaching, I wanted to reach out and see what your departments needs are for general pool classrooms fordepartment wide/group final exams. Final Exam Schedules

Below is a screenshot from the current Fall 2022 final exam schedule. French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Math have reported that they are planning on scheduling department wide exams for Fall 2022.

Please let me know which sections of the below courses will be offering in-person final exams and what sections will be meeting in the same room. I will then book general pool classrooms for your department exams.

Other templates

Unpublished templates


EMS IT Contacts:

Shelie Carlson, scarlson1@tulane.edu

Paula Forest, pforest@tulane.edu

EMS Guide


Filter/Cognos Report

Category 1

Category 2

Why we check


Filter/Cognos Report

Category 1

Category 2

Why we check



Data Consistency Report in CLSS

Courseleaf Console > CLSS > Admin Tools > Data Consistency Reports > (select your instance) > Unbridgeable Sections: Generate > Open with… Excel.

unbridgeable / unsupported sections


To resolve and bridge any unsupported sections (sections that schedulers are locked out from accessing/editing in CLSS).

Make sure DUSes can access all their sections in case updates need to be made.



Active Sections report, and filter based on these Notes



Every section should have a classroom assignment.


  • sections not on the Uptown campus;

  • sections in the Law School;

  • sections in the Business School (except ACCN 2010?);

  • sections without meeting patterns;

  • sections with schedule type STU, LAB, ACT (these SHOULD have rooms, but we don't house them)





Every section should have an instructor.

Exceptions: 0 sections (HTH, IND, possibly INT) and possibly RSH





Every section should have a Max Enrollment and Absolute Max greater than 0.

Exceptions: 0 sections (HTH, IND, possibly INT) and possibly RSH.

Even Dept/Instructor Approval sections should probably have an enrollment, so students know if a class is full/ how many are expected.


CourseLeaf CLSS "Mode Management" screen; snapshot tool > export



Which departments haven't submitted their initial schedule at all?

When a department submits their full/initial schedule, it bridges them from Design to Refine Mode;

Check the CourseLeaf CLSS screen "Mode Management" to see who is still in Design (and DON'T click from this screen to change them to Refine; must first validate their schedule! Exception: Med School.)


Missing waitlists from NTC sections



All NTC sections must have a waitlist (see Notes for exceptions).

Waitlist of 999 must be on all sections of Course Number <5000 (including SoPA sections),

  • excluding Colleges LS, MD, RG, CI; excluding schedule types HTH, ICA, IND, INT, SER;

  • excluding any sections with mandatory co-reqs.

IF a dept cross-lists an UG section with a GR section, then the GR section must also have a waitlist (b/c that waitlist data field must match in all cross-listed sections or students may get an error when attempting to register). (If a dept chooses to also use Dept/Instructor Approval, depts can issue student overrides in advance in case a seat becomes available)

Filter in next column is a combo of the rule and the filter below:

CLSS Rule: "WAITLISTS: Waitlists must be open (999) on undergraduate sections (excluding certain schedule types or sections with co-reqs)."

CLSS Filter: Waitlists must be 0 on sections with co-reqs





Were requested co-reqs set up?






No waitlists on sections with mandatory co-requisites

CLSS Rule: Waitlists must be open (999) on undergraduate sections (excluding certain schedule types or sections with co-reqs).

CLSS Filter: Waitlists must be 999 on undergrad sections (excluding sections with co-reqs)



add a column with formula to see if enrollments are equal
(example: =IF(E2=J2,"Pass","Fail") )
(can't check in CourseLeaf - doesn't do co-reqs)



Mandatory co-requisites should have the same max enrollments






If a section is a SoPA section (cross-listed with the equivalent SoPA subject code), then any mandatory co-reqs should also be SoPA sections



Cognos Co-Req Report (two tabs: Course Level and Section Level)



Check SSADETL for invalid CRNs

An invalid CRN (the CRN for a co-req that no longer exists at the course level?) can allow a student to register for one mandatory co-req but not the other 


Cognos 14 or Active sections report - conditional reporting on Xlist column, to mark duplicates in red; then filter for no red fill



No single-section cross-listings

Make sure that a cross-listed section wasn't canceled in a way that leaves one cross-listed section (most likely source of error is Banner, but can make CLSS sections unbridgeable)





Cross-listed sections should have correct combined enrollment.

Combined Enrollment of cross-listed sections should equal the sum of the absolute maxes of the individual sections.





No over-enrollment; actual enrollment should be equal to or less than enrollment cap.

(especially important to continue checking close to Term start date, when classrooms are assigned early).





Actual enrollment should be less than (and not equal to) room capacity



EMS: Course Conflict Report



no general pool classrooms are double-booked






By the first day of classes, Enrollment Cap should equal Absolute Max.




service learning


All Service Learning sections should have a mandatory co-requisite of their lecture.



Service searning with RPS attribute

service learning


All service learning sections should have the RPS attribute.

Sections with new CRNs may come up in this filter as not having the attribute; as long as they have it at the Course Level, it will roll down once section is approved and gets its CRN.


Service learning course notes

service learning


Check that all service learning Course Notes include "optional" or "mandatory"



0 credit U grade mode

1 credit S grade mode

service learning


1-credit services use S grade mode;
0-credit services use U grade mode





section number

Section numbers of 80+ are SoPA-paid sections.

and -81 is usually on the Elmwood campus



special topics


Special Topics titles haven't been used more than 2 times.

Now done pre-bridging.


COGNOS: “Course Fee Report”; the second tab has a column for Tuition/Fee Waiver sections



Tuition/Fee Waiver

This data field rolls in Banner; if a section was T/F-waived last Fall, it will roll that way to this Fall; confirm with the dept if it still applies.





SUMMER: The Maymester and August Mester parts of term should have Tuition/Fee Waiver box checked, and a fee called "tuition" added, per Mike Pilman.

Mike Pilman's email of 4/21/2020:

All courses offered via Maymester & Augustmester:

  • SSASECT Tuition & Fee Waiver flag must be checked

  • SSADETL Section Fees Tab must have the special tuition rate added as a course fee

            o   Maymester

  • Detail Code:               T605  “Tuition Summer - Maymester”

  • Type:                             Per Cred

  • Amount:                      875.00

            o   Augustmester

  • Detail Code:               T611  “Tuition Summer - Augustmester”

  • Type:                             Per Cred

  • Amount:                      875.00

  • MATH 1230:
    concurrent prereqs of MATH 1210 or (MATH 1150 and MATH 1160)

  • CHEM 1080:
    concurrent prereq of CHEM 1070

  • CHEM 2410:
    concurrent prereq of CHEM 1080

  • CHEM 2420:
    concurrent prereq of CHEM 2410

  • PHYS 1220:
    concurrent prereq of PHYS 1210

  • PHYS 1320:
    concurrent prereq of PHYS 1310



SUMMER only: Certain approved science courses can change the prereqs of  their Late Summer offerings to be concurrent.

Approved list (see also email): 


Summer waitlists



SUMMER: No waitlists

SOATERM actually prevents students from waitlisting in summer (even if the number is set to 999).

now a rule; exceptions for 202020 per Traci's Teams message:

  • AMS

  • BS1

  • BS2

  • NSE

  • NSF

  • NSL

  • SM

  • SO

  • SPE

  • SPF

  • SPL



meeting patterns


SUMMER: Minimum contact hours are met (15 hours per credit hour)

SUMMER: Meeting patterns are not standardized (because they're all basically Special Offerings)


Now Rule 11d (a warning).



SUMMER: Maymester and Augustmester courses are tuition/fee-waived, and a "tuition" fee applied.



Now a filter on Rule 11a (an error).



SUMMER: Maymester and Augustmester courses can be offered by NTC only.

NTC = colleges LA,SE,BS,AR,PH, and course/catalog number is <7000.



meeting patterns


No very early start times or very late end times due to a typo (ex: 12:00 am)

Now a rule.


Nicole's CIM workflow (now a rule, if DUS submits correctly)

writing intensives


Check that all mandatory RWLA-sections are approved

Example: If two sections of a course roll (-01 as non-writing and -02 as writing) and the non-writing later cancels, make sure the writing section is approved to be offered as mandatory writing for that course.


Prereqs in course notes 1

Prereqs in course notes 2


Course Notes

Sections with pre-requisites should list these in the Course Notes.

Now done pre-bridging.




Course Notes

No old restriction "lift dates" are listd.

Ex: "Effective July 1, any available seats in this section will be reserved for students who have been approved to pursue their coursework fully online in the fall 2020 term. Any remaining seats will be open for general registration beginning on Monday, August 10, 2020." 


Honors sections restrictions/attributes 1

Honors sections restrictions/attributes 2



Honors sections should have both the honors restriction and the honors attribute. DOUBLE-CHECK WITH SHAWN!



Rule 81a and 81b

writing intensives


Check that any 4-credit special topic sections (with and without RVCT attribute) have a Tier-2 writing that need it

… because the 4-credit -02 sections (if the writing was optional) will roll, but the writing attribute will not.


Tier-2 4 credits

writing intensives


Check that any sections with Tier-2 writing are 4 credits

… dept may have requested it but still in workflow





Run a report to find any invisible sections just prior to publication (and/or while making sure all depts have bridged from Design to Refine modes)

 The new process will be (effective Spring 2021?): Joe runs SRROLL and then makes ALL sections invisible. Rules still exist in CLSS that dictate what can/can't be invisible. So once a scheduler opens each rolled section to change, they will be forced to select the appropriate visible or invisible option before being allowed to Save. And even if they don't open every section, ones that break the rules will be caught when scheduler attempts to validate/submit to workflow. (And anyway, the only sections allowed to be invisible are non-zero sections of HTH, IND, INT, which don't roll anyway.)



part of term

special offering

Make sure Special Offerings have all customized their dates!

Now a rule


Undergrad sections PoT

part of term


Classes open to undergrads must use either 1 or Special Offering for their part of term.

Now a rule; Exceptions 



part of term


Cross-listed sections should all use the same part of term.
If ANY section in a cross-listed group is open to undergrads (even if it's also open to other levels), then ALL sections must use the part of term 1 or Special Offering.


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