Second degree admission process

NTC alumni can reapply to NTC for a second degree directly through the College. The Dual Degree Policy noted below comes into play along with others.

Students who are seeking a second bachelors at NTC degree but who have earned their first undergraduate degree elsewhere must apply through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions as a transfer student and are subject to Tulane's residency requirement (60 credits earned from Tulane).

When/if an NTC alum would want to return for a second bachelor’s degree, they would apply to NTC via a “readmission application

Note- students cannot earn a second major after the first degree is conferred, so they must come back to pursue a second degree. This means, for example, that a student who previously earned a B.S. in Psychology would be unable to come back and earn a B.S. in Neuroscience because two B.S. degrees is not allowed.

If eligible for the second degree, they would need to complete 30 additional credits and any remaining core requirements. If the core curriculum changed after their first degree was completed, they would be required to complete the new core. I was always told that the “senior residency” requirement was the rationale for the 30 credit minimum.

These readmitted second UG degree students would also be subject to the 10-year credit expiration policy in NTC.

In addition, they’d have to formally declare their major with the academic department/program and they’d have to complete all unmet major requirements for the new degree.


Relevant catalog policies here


Degree Requirements

The credits presented for an undergraduate degree must satisfy the core curriculum, school specific core curriculum and major requirements described within the appropriate program of study. Each candidate for degree is required to have completed at least 120 credits of academic work and to have achieved a 2.000 cumulative grade-point average at the university and in the major. At least 60 of the 120 credits must be earned in courses above the 1000 level. Academic credit is awarded on the credit-hour system.


Students who have not completed the first-year writing core proficiency requirement by the end of the second semester of enrollment may not early register for the following semester and may not return to the College until this requirement has been fulfilled.


The College's foreign language requirement is proficiency at the third semester or 2030 level. All students must receive formal placement in any foreign language they plan to take while at Tulane.

These policies apply to all students, including those who contemplate leaving for any reason prior to graduation.


The recommended semester program consists of 15 credits to 19 credits. All degree candidates must have completed the last 30 credits of coursework in residence in the college and a minimum of 60 credits at Tulane University. Students who participate in a Tulane study abroad program or other Tulane-sponsored program in the senior year are earning Tulane grades and credits and, therefore, are considered to be meeting the senior residency requirement.


Subject to approval, students may count up to six credits of summer work from other institutionally accredited institutions, as part of their last 30 credits that must be completed in residence. Other school- or program-specific restrictions may apply. Students are encouraged to consult with their advisers.


All degree candidates must have completed a minimum of 60 credits at Tulane University (excluding Tulane study abroad and Washington Semester programs).

Students must complete the last 30 credits of coursework in residence in the College. Students who participate in a Tulane study abroad program or in the Washington Semester program in the senior year are considered to be meeting the senior residency requirement but these credits will not apply toward the 60 credit university residency requirement. Students participating in dual degree physics and engineering programs (Tulane and approved partner universities) are exempted from the senior residency requirement but not the Tulane residency requirement.

At least half of the credits required for each major must be completed at Tulane University.

Dual Degrees

Tulane University offers the option of obtaining two undergraduate degrees. Newcomb-Tulane College students should refer to the school-specific sections for more information on pursuing dual degrees within the same school and consult with their advisors early in their academic careers.

To qualify for two baccalaureate degrees (dual degree) from any of the schools, a student must complete a minimum of 150 credits (75 credits completed at Tulane University) at least 82 of which must be above the 1000-level and satisfy all requirements for each degree and each major. A candidate also must file a degree application for each degree at least two semesters prior to the anticipated date of graduation.

Credit Expiration

At the time of readmission, any credit earned at Tulane more than ten years previously would not apply toward the degree. While the credits may be more than ten years old by the time the student completes the Tulane degree, they would still count toward the degree so long as the student had remained continuously enrolled at Tulane. Departments and schools may apply more restrictive rules in evaluating credits to be applied toward a major or professional degree.