Changes to ServiceNow tickets

As many of you are aware, our ServiceNow (SN) integration with Frevvo has been a little problematic. As a refresher, because our current ServiceNow license doesn't allow for guest access, we use a Frevvo form to capture work requests from guests and TU users which generates a SN ticket.

There has been a significant glitch some of you may have encountered. When two tickets are submitted at the same time by two different users, both tickets will grab on to the identify of one of the ticket callers. So, if Colette and I submit a ticket at the same time, both of our tickets can be attributed to Colette, meaning Colette will receive the contents of my request. 

When we see this, we often correct the caller in the ticket, but the damage has already been done. This of course is a non-trivial security risk. I have been told by my contact that there's no way to correct this.

This security risk was reported to the Chief Information Security Officer, which is a blessing. This has captured the attention of IT who is now motivated to help us reduce this risk.

The university's SN license has recently been renegotiated, and I can confirm that the guest module is now included. IT is currently setting it up. I will share more when I have more information.

Until the guest module is installed and running, here's what you need to know:

  • IT has added more information to the subject line used to generate the SN ticket, which makes it more unique, which will ensure that the correct caller is attributed to the ticket. However, if a caller submits two tickets at the same time (not especially likely), one could get lost if they submit them fast enough.

  • Also, each ticket will include a PDF of the submitted form as an attachment, which adds an additional layer of validation to view the completed form to make sure that the ticket is attributed to the right caller.

  • Neither change affects how you work tickets, how you interact with callers, or how you close tickets.