Incoming student FAQ from NTC Advising

Below is an overview of the advising timeline for incoming first year students and commonly asked questions. If the issue is complicated or they are insistent on speaking with an advisor, you can route the call to Erica Golden, Katie McBride, Heather Cooper, or Kevin Estoque (if they are available). If all are busy, have the caller email with “Incoming Student” in the subject line and the following information:

  • Student name

  • Contact information (email and phone)

  • Brief summary of the issue, or a short list of questions

Timeline of Advising Events:

  • June (all month): students will meet with advising and create their Fall schedule

  • July 1: Registration holds are lifted and students can make schedule changes; Outreach from College Advising about making schedule changes and updates

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make an appointment with an advisor?

Students were sent an email on Friday, May 25th with instructions for how to book the meeting. If you do not see that message in your Tulane account make sure to check any spam folders. The information can also be found by visiting the Incoming Student page on the NTC College Advising website.

What do I have to do before my June meeting?

Students should complete the May New Student Orientation Module. This will give you an overview of academics at Tulane and provide a checklist of items to complete in preparation for your June meeting. New Student Orientation Modules can be found in Canvas under the Courses tab with the name “New Student Modules.” 

What do I need to do if I have to cancel my meeting or if I miss it?

The If you miss your appointment, we cannot promise a time for rescheduling until after July 1st.  It is imperative that you change your appointment time if you cannot make your original appointment using the same booking link from before. If you get stuck or have decided not to attend Tulane, please email

When can I make changes to my schedule?

Students will have access to the schedule on the day of their June meeting. Their access to make changes closes at 11:59 that day and will re-open on July 1st. From July 1st to the last day to add (Sept 1st) incoming students can continue to adjust their fall schedules.

I see that I am already registered for some classes. Do I have to keep these courses?

In late May, the registrar pre-registers incoming students in 1 to 3 classes based on the major interest they gave to admissions. This is a starting point for schedule building. During their June Advising Meeting they can change these registrations if needed.

Why is there an Advisor Registration Hold on my account?

All students will have an Advisor Registration Hold – we use this as a form of crowd control. On the day of your meeting, we will lift the hold so we can submit your schedule together. The holds will lift for all students on July 1.

All of the courses I want look full, what do I do?

When searching for classes on the schedule in preparation for your appointment, what is available on the day of your search may change by the day of your appointment.  To ensure equity in course availability throughout the month, enrollment management opens some seats throughout the month. It is always advantageous to have several interests and back up course ideas written down as you prepare for your appointment. 

Messaging from Parent/Family Programming:

For any families of incoming new first-year students seeking information about academic advising and course registration beginning in June:

A communication from Academic Advising about registration appointments was sent to students' Tulane email around 11 AM Central, Fri., May 26. If students aren’t seeing the message, they can find the relevant information at: .

Advising and Parent/Family programming recently did a webinar titled, Supporting Your Student Through Academic Planning and Course Registration - 6 p.m. CST, Tuesday, May 30, 2023. All Family Programs webinars are recorded and posted a few days after the live webinar date in our online archive at .

If you are a family member who did not receive the Tulane Family Newsletter on May 25, you may read it online at .

To be added to the newsletter contact list, email your first and last name and "subscribe to Family Contacts of the Class of 2027" to