12 Days of Confluence Elements: Day 5 - Labels

Labels are key words that you can add to pages and attachments to make them easier to group and find. Labels allow you to easily see, display, and search for related pages.

For example, you could add the graduation label to all pages related to graduation processes.

Add labels to a page

Anyone with permission to edit a page can add labels to it. You can add labels to a page while you're editing it or after it's published, when you're viewing the page.

When you’re viewing a page

  1. Select the + Add label button at the bottom of the page, above Related pages, reactions and comments). This will open the Labels dialog box.

  2. Select the label you’d like to add from the list or create a new label using the text you entered.

  3. Repeat steps 1-3 to find and add additional labels to your page.

When you're editing a page

  1. Select the more options menu in the top right of the page, then select Add labels (if the page doesn’t have any labels yet) or Edit labels.

  2. Select the label you’d like to add from the suggestion list or create a new label using the text you entered.

  3. Repeat steps 1-3 to find and add additional labels to your page.

Add labels to attachments

To add labels to an attachment:

  1. First, open the page that contains the attachment you'd like to label.

  2. Select  to open the more options menu, then select Attachments.

  3. You'll see a list of attachments, with any existing labels listed in the Labels column.

  4. Select the edit icon  in the Labels column, next to the attachment you'd like to label. This will open the Labels dialog box.

  5. Enter the text of the label you’d like to add into the search box. If it matches any existing labels on your site, those will appear as suggestions in the dropdown.

  6. Select Add to create a new label using the text you entered. If you'd like to use one of the suggested labels, select it from the list, then select Add.

  7. Repeat steps 5-6 to add additional labels to your page. Once you’re done, select Close.

Labels do not accept spaces, and are lower case only. If you type a space, it will be converted to a hyphen so that your label has more than one word, like so: this-is-a-label. Also, any capitals will be automatically converted to lower case. You can type in multiple labels at once by hitting Enter or Return key.

Search for labeled content

You can find a list of all labels in our Business Process Library, which links to labeled content, in our Index.

Remove labels

When you're viewing a page, you can remove labels by selecting the  to the right of the label. Labels appear on the bottom right of the page, above page comments.

To delete a label across a site, you'll need to remove it from all the pages and attachments it appears on.