Time ticket credits/priority registration

As we know, time tickets are assigned based on earned hours.

  • Earned hours do not include in progress coursework.

  • Earned hours does include transfer coursework.

  • Earned hours may or may not include AP/IB/A-Level credit

    • For Fall 2021 admits forward, AP/IB/A-Level credit does not count toward time ticket credits/priority registration time.

@Stephanie Daviscreated a report for us to identify how many credits apply toward time ticket credits/priority registration time.

  • If you use Cognos often, you can find the report at Team Content > TU Groups > Registrar > Registrar Reports > [Templates] folder

I have created a quick and dirty (and by no means 100% definitive) report that will help with students asking about which credits count toward their time tickets. The report is called Student Course Enrollments - ID Search, and you can find it by navigating to Team Content > TU Groups > Registrar > Registrar Reports > [Templates] folder in Cognos. If you need a refresher on how to run Cognos reports, Shawn, Nicole, and I can give you a quick tutorial. You all should have access to run Cognos reports. Attached is a sample student's report. Tab 1 lists all of the student's courses (my original report). Tab 2 are the credits counting toward the student's time ticket, in this case 77 credits. Tab 3 are AP and IB credits, in this case 4 credits. This will hopefully help eliminate the need to sift through SHATERM for most basic time-ticketing questions.

DISCLAIMER - This may not be accurate for students with multiple programs, it's just a quick and dirty report for typical, straight-forward, NTC UG students. I also am not entirely sure how A-Levels are being coded, so those have not been taken into account in the logic. If you see any errors or would like any additions to this report, please let me know.