Providing an enrollment verification when requested in person


Enrollment Certificates/Enrollment Verifications are used by current and former students to:

  • Verify the dates of enrollment for past, current, or future semesters.

  • Verify that a degree has been awarded, when the transcript or diploma cannot be released.

  • Provide documentation with their legal name and address in association with the Tulane University Seal and Signature of the Registrar.

Current students may request an enrollment verification by visiting their Gibson Portal and using the link on the left hand side.

Alumni may request an enrollment verification by contacting us through the Registrar Support Form. See the instructions on “in-person” requests to generate an E-Cert for responding to an email request.

  • They may need to provide evidence that they were enrolled at a certain point in time, for personal or professional reasons.

  • We may also want to generate this document to accompany a certified letter, especially a ‘Completed Degree’ letter.

    • The E-Cert lists the degree(s) awarded and the date.

    • Some students may not be able to obtain a transcript stating this information due to a hold.

  • There is no charge for this service for the alumni.

    • You may print the document for an alumni in person, or email the document, possibly in addition to a certified letter. This document is not confidential unless the student’s record is marked as such.

When students walk in to the office to request an enrollment verification, we can generate them in Banner and print it and email it to them during their visit.

If the request was made online but the student is picking it up in person, please see

Create the request in Banner

Enrollment verifications are generated in SFARQST when the student requests in person. Enter the ID and the most recent term of attendance. If the student is registered for the current term, enter the current term.

In the Term box, enter the term as: (year) + 10 for Spring, + 20 for Summer, or +30 for Fall Example: 202230 = Fall of 2022

Any term of enrollment (past, current or future) can be generated for a student as long as their is enrollment in that term, and the term furtherest out is selected. GPA is only calculated using prior enrolled terms and not the current or future enrollment terms. The GPA is only calculated for prior terms because the courses have to have rolled to academic history/graded.



SFARQST key block


If not, identify the most recent term of attendance. Click the lookup button and select “Term Summary (SHQTERM)”. Their most recent term of attendance will be the latest term listed. Double click to select. Next block.

Select Term Summary

Ensure the term is correct.

In the Enrollment Verification Request block, enter the following:

  • Type: WGPA (with GPA) or NGPA (without GPA).

    • Student interns are not allowed to look at any information that includes a student’s GPA or grades

    • Interns: if the student is requesting a certification with a GPA, tell your supervisor and they will do it for you

  • Number of copies: enter a value if more than 1 copy is requested.

  • Recipient Name and Address

    • Alternate addressee - type in the recipient’s name.

    • If mailing, complete the mailing address fields.

      • If the student has requested to receive the enrollment cert via email, type the email address in the box “Street Line 1”


Print the request

Enrollment verification requests generate in the EnrollCert folder in Box.

  1. Open and print the verification.

  2. Emboss the printed seal at the bottom of the page before presenting to the student/mailing. Email the verification so they have it for their records.

  3. Once the verification is printed or emailed, move it to the Processed Enroll Cert folder in Box and click the arrow to the next one. Then, Click the X in the top right corner to exit.

Changing Anticipated Graduation Date

The Anticipated Graduation Date is not an official date. The date is customarily set to include additional years for Financial Aid purposes. Often, students request Enrollment Verifications and later enquire why their anticipated date is years later than expected. If the current student requests the Anticipate Graduation Date to be changed, we can do that with constraints.

  • The date can be changed to an earlier date than what is currently listed, but we cannot change to a date later than currently listed.

  • The student’s academic advisor must approve/request the anticipated graduation date change.

To update: Go to SGASTDN, select the Academic and Graduation Status tab, enter advisor approved date in Expected Graduation Date field, then save. Re-print/mail/provide the updated Enrollment Verification however appropriate.

Providing enrollment verifications to alumni

If an alum calls or drops in to ask for an enrollment verification, we can show them how to do it on Gibson without going through NSC. Or, we can email it to them. Both are free of charge to the alum. Be sure to verify identity prior to providing.

Verifications via NSC only incur a fee for third parties, but not alumni.

Be sure to verify the alum has Gibson access and provide if needed (upon identity verification).