Admitting a summer-only student to Summer School (SAAADMS)

Admitting a summer-only student to Summer School (SAAADMS)


Check to see if the student has a TU ID number

Students may not realize they have one, so this is an important step.

Navigate to SPAIDEN. Your cursor will be in the ID field. Press the Tab key on the keyboard and another field will open. Enter the student’s name as “Last, First”. If the name is invalid, this means the student does not have a record.


If you get a match (or multiple matches) verify identity in SPAIDEN. If it’s a match, do not create a new ID. If there’s new information like a different address or phone number, etc., make sure to add the new information in SPAIDEN.

If there are multiple matches for that name, click the Person Search Detail button in the window that opens.

You will see a list of possible matches. Verify the Birth Date.

If there is no name with the date of birth of the applicant, create a new ID.

Create a new ID

  1. Click the plus sign (“+”) to generate a new ID.

  2. GOAMTCH opens. In the Matching Source field, enter “ONLINE”. Go.

  3. Enter the name, address, gender, telephone, and personal email address. Click Duplicate Check.

  4. If no matches were found, a pop-up will ask if you want to create a new record. Click Yes.

  5. A pop-up will display the new ID. Click OK.

If a potential match is indicated as a result of the Duplicate Check, the matched record will be indicated in the Match block. To select the record in the Match block, click to select and click Select ID. If there’s new information like a different address or phone number, etc., make sure to add the new information in SPAIDEN.


When the new ID is generated, you will be directed to SPAIDEN after clicking OK in the previous step. Go.

Enter the following:

  • all available addresses

  • phone numbers

  • email addresses

  • citizenship

  • gender

  • emergency contacts

As you move through each tab, save before moving to the next tab.

Identify the program and major for admission

Visiting students

Visiting students


Students from other U.S. schools who have graduated from high school. Enrollment is for summer only. Options for visiting students include on-campus courses as well as study abroad programs. Courses taken are for college credit.


SNND_UG (NTC summer school only non-degree, undergraduate)



Field of Study (Major)




Student attribute


Pre College Science Scholars Program

(Pre-College Programs)

Pre College Science Scholars Program

(Pre-College Programs)


The Tulane Science Scholars Program (TSSP) gives high school students the opportunity to take and earn college-credit courses before high school graduation.


SEND_UG (Science and Engineering non-degree, undergraduate)



Field of Study (Major)

SUMM (summer school only)



Student attributes


Admit the student in SAAADMS

Navigate to SAAADMS to create an application record.

  1. Enter student ID and Term. Go.

    1. Application tab. Fill in the following fields as follows for all summer programs:

      1. Term auto-populates

      2. Admission Type: ND (Non-Degree)

      3. Student Type: V (Guest)

      4. Residence: 0 (Undeclared)

  2. Curricula Tab.

    1. Enter the program as identified in the previous section.

    2. When you press the Tab key on your keyboard, Level, Campus, College, and Degree auto-populate.

    3. Confirm that the field of study has auto-populated correctly. If not, click into the Field of Study block and in the Field of Study field enter the Field of Study code you identified in the previous step.

    4. Confirm the Department has auto-populated correctly. If not, click into the Department field and enter the Department code you identified in the previous step.

    5. Save.

  3. Contacts, Cohorts, Attributes tab.

    1. Next block to the Attributes block.

    2. Enter the attributes as identified in the previous section.

    3. Save.

Enter the application decision in SAADCRV

Enter the decision code AT (Admit and Accept) in the Decision Code field. Save.

Upon saving, a pop-up message will confirm the learner record was created in SGASTDN. If you don’t see this confirmation message, the admissions decision was not processed.

You can confirm the learner record was created in SGASTDN.

Create a header record in SHAINST

In SHAINST, enter the admitted term and Go.

The Record Status field will show a value of New Record.

Inactivate the student for the next term.

In SGASTDN, enter the student’s ID and admitted term. Go.

On the New Term field, click the lookup button (three dots). From the Option List that appears, select Create new Effective Term.

Enter the fall term code, which is the semester immediately after the summer admission. Change the value in the Student Status field to IS (Inactive). Save.

End the attributes in SGASADD

Enter the student’s ID and the following fall term in the Term field. Go.

In the Student Attribute block, click the Maintenance button.

From the Option List that appears, select End Student Attribute.

You will see Warning Alert indicating that changing the student attribute may impact registration fee assessment. Click OK.


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