Understanding Banner pages naming conventions


Banner screens are called “objects” by Ellucian.

The unique seven or eight character names of Banner object forms, reports, jobs and tables are assigned according to a set of conventions. Each name is built from the same four components:

  • System identifier (one or two characters)

  • Module identifier (one character)

  • Object type code (one character)

  • Unique identifier (four characters)


Item Name



Object Type

Unique Identifier

Item Name



Object Type

Unique Identifier


S Student

P Person

A Application

IDEN Identification


G General

J Job Submission

R Report

RPTS Report & Parameter Information


G General

T Validation Form/Table

V Validation Form/Table

ZIPC Zip/Postal Code

Position 1: Identifies the primary system owning the form, report, job, or table

(Most used are identified in bold)

A Alumni/Development

L Occupational Tax/Lic.

U Utilities

B Property Tax

N Position Control

V Voice Response

C Courts

O Customer Contact

X Records Indexing

D Cash Drawer

P HR/ Payroll/ Personnel

W Reserved for Client

F Finance

Q Electronics Work Queue


G General

R Financial Aid


I Information Access

S Student



T Accounts Receivable


Position 2: Identifies the module owning the form, report, job or table

General (G)

Student (S)

Finance (F)

Accounts Receivable (T)

General (G)

Student (S)

Finance (F)

Accounts Receivable (T)

E Event Management

A Admissions

A Accounts Payable

F Finance Accounts Receivable

J Job Submission

C Catalog

B Budget Development

G General Accounts Receivable

L Letter Generation

E Support Services 

C Cost Accounting

O Overall 

O Overall

F Registration/ Fee Assessment

E Electronic Data Interchange

S Student Accounts Receivable

P Purge

G General Student

F Fixed Assets

T Validation form/table

S Security

H Grades/Academic History

G General Ledger

U Utility

T Validation form/table

I Faculty Load

I Investment Management


U Utility

K Intl.-UK

O Operations 


X Cross Product

L Location Management

P Purchasing/Procurement




R Research Accounting



O Overall

S Stores Inventory



P Person

T Validation form/table



R Recruiting

U Utility



S Schedule

X Archive/Purge



T Validation form/table




U Utility



Financial Aid(R)

Position Control (N)


Information Access(I)

Financial Aid(R)

Position Control (N)


Information Access(I)

B Budgeting

A Application

A Membership

S Student

C Record Creation

B Budget

D Designation

R Financial Aid

F Funds Management

D Benefit/Deductions

E Event Management


H History and Transcripts

E Employee

F Campaign


J Student Employment

H Time Reporting/History

G Pledge and Gift/Pledge Pymt


L Logging

O Overall

M Prospect Management


N Need Analysis

P General Person

O Organization


O Common Functions

R Electronic Approvals

P Constituent/Person


P Packaging & Disbursements

S Security

S Solicitor Organization


R Requirements Tracking

T Validation/Rule Table

T Validation Form/Table


S Student System Shared Data

U Utility

U Utility


T Validation Form/Table

X Tax Administration

X Expected Matching Gift


U Utility




Position 3: Identifies the type of form, report, job or table

General (G)

Student (S)

Finance (F)

General (G)

Student (S)

Finance (F)

A Application Form

A Application Form

A Application Form

B Base Table Batch COBOL Process

B Base Table

B Base Table

I Inquiry Form

I Inquiry Form

I Inquiry Form

O Process

P Process

M Maintenance Form

Q Query Form

Q Query Form

Q Query Form

R Rule Table Repeating Table Report/Process

R Rule Table Repeating Table/Process

R Rule Table Repeating Table Report/Process

T Temporary Table

V Validation Form/Table View

V Validation Form/ Table View

V Table View



Accounts Receivable (T)

A Application Form

P Process

R Report

I Inquiry Form

Q Query Form

V Validation Form/Table

Financial Aid (R)

HR/Payroll/Personnel (P)
Position Control (N)

Alumni/Development (A)

Financial Aid (R)

HR/Payroll/Personnel (P)
Position Control (N)

Alumni/Development (A)

A Application Form

A Application Form

A Application Form

B Base Table

B Base Table Batch COBOL Process

B Base Table

I Inquiry Form

I Inquiry Form

C Called/List Form

P Process

P Process

I Inquiry Form

R Rule Table Repeating Rules Table Report

R Rule Table Repeating Report/Process

P Process/Report

T Temporary Table

V Validation Form/Table

R Repeating Rules Table

V Table View


T Temporary Table



V Validation Form/Table View

Positions 4,5,6,7: Uniquely identify the forms, report, job, or table







S Student

S Student

S Student

P Person

H Grades/Acad.Hist

T Validation Form/Table

A Application

R Report

V Validation Form/Table

IDEN Identification

ROLL Grade Roll

STAT State/Prov. Code

Descriptions of common usages of Positions 1-3

Descriptions of common usages of Positions 1-3

SCA History 



SSA Individual CRN Info



SAA Admission



SGA General Student Info



SFA Registration Info



SHA Student Acad. History



SIA Faculty Info