Requesting time off
Submitting a request
Requests for time off for any leave type are submitted through the Request for Time Out of Office. The form is also linked as a tab in the Registrar’s Office Group > General in Teams.
If you are out unexpectedly, complete the Request for Time Out of Office when you return to account for your time out.
When your supervisor approves, you will be sent a notification in Teams.
Checking the status of a request
In Teams in the left menu, click the [...]. Click Approvals (or search). Click Sent. (To save Approvals so you don't have to look for it again, right click on it and select Pin.)
Cancelling a request/nudging an approver
You can cancelled a request or nudge an approver by clicking on the request. Click Cancel request or Follow up as applicable.
When your leave is approved, add it to your Outlook calendar, the shared Out of Office calendar in Outlook, and the weekly schedule in Teams. Confirm with your supervisor when your leave should be entered in Kronos.
If you are scheduled to assign tickets while you are out, please let your supervisor know and make arrangements to swap days with a colleague.