LABUG 2024 conference report

This year, LABUG partnered with MBUG to host this year’s conference located in Biloxi, MS.

Sessions attended

Banner Bootcamp & New Banner Users/New Conference Attendees

  • Nice session to attend, but not specifically a value-add

Affects of one department on another

  • Very broad overview of how transactions and data in the Student module affect the AR module

Empower your institution: A dive into unexplored services

  • Ellucian representative discussing consultant services

Student Records - A year in the life of a registrar

  • Confirmed we’re doing things right - everyone has institutional specific practices that seem odd to others

Student ‘birds of a feather’

The nightmare called curricula

  • Exploration of LCTCS' homegrown major change solution.

  • Jamie indicated that the underlying scripts should work with Workflow.

Pinto to limo - awarding degrees with Banner and Degree Works

  • Demonstration of a one-click interface for responsible parties (major/minor/degree certifiers) to certify students which will award the degree



I enjoyed the opportunity to meet other people from schools outside of Louisiana.


What’s next

  • Thinking about creating TuBUG to generate interest in LABUG

  • I would like to do a joint session with Mike Pilman and maybe even Shelby and Meredith to demonstrate how data is used between the modules.

  • I’d like to host a Banner Jeopardy or Bingo session

  • I’d also like to do a workshop on how to develop/communicate requirements to our IT colleagues. The general consensus is that everyone struggles with this relationship.


