2023-09-08 LABUG BoD meeting notes
2023-09-08 LABUG BoD meeting notes
In person, 10:00am
265 South Foster Rd, Baton Rouge, 70806
Karen Walker - incoming Treasurer
Kim - Secretary
Jennifer - President-Elect
Approaches for next year
Great piggybacking with LCTCS.
Considering dual conference with MBUG. Usually alternate between Natchez and Tupelo (this year first time in a long time they’re doing Gulf Coast).
Out of state travel can be problematic for some.
Going it alone. (expensive)
28 attendees - LABUG standalone or LABUG + LCTCS and Ellucian (does not include LCTCS-only)
Ellucian chatbots - FERPA concerns
NSC Move-it file
MyHub - can see their NSC record
Person Manager (Experience) - Ellucian site search common matching or Action Line ticket