Comparing UW and WF grades


The "UW" (Unofficial Withdrawal) and "WF" (Withdraw Failing) grades at Tulane University are both used to indicate a student's failure to complete a course, but their use and implications differ in terms of process, intent, and academic impact. Here's a detailed comparison:

WF (Withdraw Failing)

Assigned When

A student officially withdraws from a course after the withdrawal deadline and is failing the course at the time of withdrawal.


The student must go through the formal withdrawal process, which requires a student to submit a drop/add form to the professor for approval. The faculty member can elect to check the "WF" box on the form, indicating the student was failing the course at the time of the withdrawal.

Student Action

Involves student action and official acknowledgment by the institution. It results from formal communication between the student and the faculty member, with the form submitted to the registrar's office after NTC/Academic Advisor approval.

Honor Board action

Often, a "WF" is assigned due to an honor board hearing. The "WF" can be the consequence of a finding that holds the student responsible for an infraction of the honor code.

Effect on Academic Record

Affects the GPA as would an “F”

UW (Unofficial Withdrawal)

Assigned When

A student stops attending/ participating in a course without officially withdrawing or completing the necessary paperwork. This often happens when students disengage from a class but fail to follow proper procedures to drop the course.


The "UW" is assigned when the instructor assigns final grades for a given course. The instructor takes one of the three following actions on the grade roster:

  1. indicate student never attended the course (option on roster)

  2. indicate student stopped attending the course on Month-Date-Year, (option on roster)

  3. Instructor leaves grade blank.

Student Action

There is no formal student action; the "UW" reflects the student's lack of engagement and failure to drop the course officially.

Effect on Academic Record

Affects the GPA as would an "F"




The student can receive a "WF" only after the official drop without record (withdrawal deadline) has passed. Before this deadline in the academic calendar, a student who withdraws cannot not receive a "WF."


A "WF" indicates that the student made an effort to formally withdraw from the course but did so after the deadline. At the time of withdrawal, the instructor confirmed that the student was not passing the course.

In cases involving an honor board decision, if a "WF" is assigned as part of the penalty, the grade is imposed as a sanction, and the student's ability to withdraw is no longer a factor in the outcome.



The "UW" can be assigned only after the instructor has assigned final grades. There is no direct withdrawal request, so the timing is less structured and dependent on when the instructor grades the class. The UW indicates the student stopped attending or never attended. Instructions are sent to faculty every semester explaining how the UWs are assigned as soon as final grading opens for said term.

Academic Implications


GPA Impact

The "WF" is treated as a failing grade ("F") in terms of GPA calculation. It negatively impacts the student's GPA, just like a regular failing grade.


The transcript shows that the student withdrew while failing. Employers or graduate schools often view it as evidence that the student formally withdrew but struggled in the course.


GPA Impact

Like the "WF," the "UW" is also treated as an "F" and negatively impacts the student's GPA. However, it is assigned due to a lack of participation rather than an official withdrawal.


This appears on the transcript and may suggest that the student disengaged entirely from the course without following procedures, which can be perceived negatively. It reflects a lack of formal communication and responsibility on the student's part.

Intent and Context



This can indicate that a student was attempting to manage their course load by formally withdrawing but was failing at the time of the request. It demonstrates some responsibility in recognizing they needed to drop the course, even if it was too late to avoid a failing grade.

In the case of the assigning of a WF as a consequence of an honor board finding, the intent is to indicate the student was failing at the time of withdrawal, but it does not indicate a student's attempt to manage their course load, as they have no choice in the matter. Honor board findings are not part of transcript information at Tulane. Honor board findings may be a part of a dean's office decision for that student to no longer be in "good standing" at the university.


A "WF" can result from various factors, such as personal difficulties, academic struggles, honor board findings, or a desire to focus on other courses, but it shows that the student made a conscious decision to disengage.



Indicates a lack of participation or attendance without any formal withdrawal action. The "UW" reflects disengagement from the course without informing the university, which might indicate a student was unaware of proper procedures or was unable to follow through for personal or medical reasons.


This grade is often used in cases where the student "disappeared" from the course, which can signal deeper issues such as personal challenges or disengagement from the university.

Use Cases


Used for students who made an effort to withdraw from the course after the appropriate deadline but were failing at the time of their official withdrawal and the instructor chose to indicate this failure on their record.


Used for students who stopped attending or completing course requirements without officially withdrawing. The university assigns the grade of "UW" when the instructor indicates the student stopped attending, never attended, or leaves a student ungraded on a grade roster as an indication of no information about the student and no official record of withdrawal.


WF shows that the student formally attempted to withdraw but missed the deadline and was failing the course. It reflects some level of responsibility and an inability to complete the course successfully.

UW indicates that the student stopped attending or participating without formally withdrawing, showing disengagement from the course. Both grades result in a failing GPA calculation but differ in the process leading up to the grade assignment.