Troubleshooting missing courses in Canvas

Troubleshooting missing courses in Canvas


(raw diagram file)

When students report that they are unable to see courses in Canvas, we use the following troubleshooting tactics:

  1. Confirm the student can log in to Gibson.

    1. Student logs in: Move to tactic 2.

    2. Student cannot log in: Confirm student is active (SGASTDN)

      1. Student is active: Advise student to reset password and start again at tactic 1.

      2. Student is not active: Refer to admissions if not admitted or refer to academic department/school/advisor to reactivate.

  2. Advise the student to click the Canvas link in the Student tab and confirm that instructure.tulane.edu loads.

    1. Canvas loads: Move to tactic 3.

    2. Canvas does not load: Refer to IT. (Student is active, and should be able to access instructure.tulane.edu.)

  3. Determine if the course is a future/current term course or from a previous term.

    1. Current/future term: Move to tactic 4.

    2. Previous term: Refer the student to the professor of the course to request that Learning Services open the class for the student.

  4. Confirm the student is registered for the course(s) in Banner in SFAREGQ.

    1. Student is registered for the course(s): move to tactic 5.

    2. Student is not registered for the course: notify the student they are not registered for the course.

  5. Confirm the time the student registered for the course in Banner in SFASTCA. Note that Canvas refreshes at 6am and 6pm.

    1. Registration time is before the most recent refresh: Instructor has not published the course.

    2. Registration time is after the most recent refresh: Advise the student to check after the next refresh.



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