2024-05-03 Transfer articulation - CollegeSource TES


John Panzica - johnp@collegesource.com

The tracker allows you to manage the communication between articulators and SMEs in the academic areas.

User Added -

  • allows you to create a pseudo course or placeholder courses not in the catalog if we want to include them in equivalencies. You can have a NO TRANSFER course, electives, Gen Ed competencies. For courses that meet the competency but doesn’t have a direct TU equivalent.

  • May also help with articulation agreements with international institutions and assessment of prior learning.

  • TES loads catalogs by permission only.

Institution search

  • Search by name, initials, by state, IPEDS idea, ACT code, so many code options to search on!

  • If you don’t find them by code/see them in the list, let TES know

  • Institution profiles - understand level of academic rigor, calendar system, accreditation, etc.

  • Links to the institution’s website

  • Transcript key (if available)

  • PDF version of catalog

  • If AACRAO member, you have access to higher ed database

  • If no catalog available, you can request it or add yourself to the watchlist. Can add 25 different catalogs to your watch list (not notified, would need to check list).

  • Search across data sets - all examples of ACCT 2413 and all the catalogs it appears in. Can view course detail.

  • Establish up to 6 peer institutions to see how they are accepting the course.

  • Search for courses by keywords to create connections with courses in our own catalog.

  • Can select by proposed equivalent courses

  • Can select multiple incoming courses

  • Sequence 1:1

  • Batch 1:many or 1:1

  • Single 1:many, many:1, many:many, 1:1

Routing to evaluators

  • Some faculty may be hesitant to consider proposed equivalencies, but gives opportunity to get an answer in a single step. If not, faculty need to take a minimum of 2 steps. If they don’t agree, faculty can still go through those steps.

  • Selecting faculty to review: value in paren comes from job title field in user profile. Need to be careful how much access to give faculty. Recommend send email alert to faculty. Can include attachments if appropriate; recommend that they use only the info available from TES.

  • Notification includes link to TES, transferring institution, and course number and title. Clicking on headings sorts the column.

  • Can view each step of the evaluation flow

  • Evaluators can select an action including deny, request more info, re-assign, add/edit course, add/edit support file. If students go to faculty first, you can set up the evaluator to set up the eval task, assign any docs and courses and approve it to be sent to articulators for entry. If they like the proposal, all they have to is select approve - 1 step.

  • User management allows for priority departments so they don’t have to scroll down to their department. It’s sort of like saving favorites to the top of the selection list.

  • Send email notifies the next person in line - anyone you want (advisor, student, recruiters, task creator, provost, BOG)

  • Recommend to store equivalency result. Better to close than not store. Can use End Date to manage expiring equivalencies.

Match > Equivalency manager > select school

  • Can show effective date in future, can show expired equivalencies in red

  • Can change courses in the equivalency. Maybe to change an articulation to an elective for example.

  • Equivalency search has multiple fields; can help with identifying expired equivalencies.

Health Check

  • update target equivalencies: change, end date, or end and create equivalents with new targets.

Equivalency Explorer

  • Reciprocal, course title match, course code match, course tag audit, course change explorer.

  • Change explorer - select institution, select catalogs. Creates 3 different lists (live query) - shows dropped, added, and changed courses.

Equivalency Manager

  • Where you make changes to equivalencies



If you like evaluation workflow, TES can teach faculty how to use it.

John has a monthly certification course - 8 hours

Sarah Casbergue - how do you deal with courses like first year seminar with same course number, different topics?

  • John - create a user-added target equally generic to the incoming course description. Can add relevant information in the Description field including the iterations that might be assigned.

Catherine - How to sign up for certification?

John will send link to recording.