2023-05-04 Transfer articulation

Attendees: Ali, Mary, Steph B, Steph D, Peter, Sara C.


  1. Three-year expiration

    1. Is this Banner-delivered with DARS extract or custom? Pulled data from DARS and pulled into Banner. There’s a manual job to disable courses. Sarah was unaware the job was done.

    2. What does the job do? Articulation Disable job sets the course status to 'IN' inactive on SHATATR

    3. On the credit evaluation sheet, if it’s inactivated and there’s another course listed as needs syllabus, they’ll both show up. Credit evaluation is a custom report.

    4. Is the problem with articulation or the report? Not sure how it affects degree audit.

    5. Table that lists articulated courses. Courses are valid for 3 years. Sarah manages list of courses as well as running an articulation. Sarah manually enters them into the database from transcript.

    6. As it exists today, the credit is appropriately posting, but the problem is the display on the credit evaluation sheet.

    7. The credit evaluation sheet is a custom app that’s a web app that pulls from SQL database - Articulation Dashboard. Evaluation is added to their admission portal so they can decide whether they want to enroll or not.

    8. Degree audit does not manage 3-year limitation.

    9. Credit applies to degree or wildcards/range of course numbers/or if a course with attribute like any other course in audit.

    10. Coursework entered in SHATATR.

      1. Term - effective term, but we don’t have an expiration term.

    11. Articulation (adding to the student record) occurs in SHATAEQ. Enters enrollment term and courses if they’re in SHATATR database.

    12. If course approved as equivalent to two different courses for the same effective term, there’s only one entry on the transferring course list. If different terms, there would be an entry for each term.

    13. Use/test case - Aidan Stein, 367008509

    14. May be able to adjust the query so that it displays correctly

    15. Sarah’s peak time is October through June

    16. Has to be done for each institution for each students, but can pull for multiple students with multiple IDs. Hard to do reports in batches - done one-by-one so that Sarah can catch the incorrect not applying

  2. SoPA courses

    1. SoPA-Delgado articulation agreement - allows students to accept more courses than NTC. Constantly putting in new articulations to supercede the one we can’t use.

    2. The issue with Delgado is math courses - we don’t accept anything below Calculus. SoPA approved many others we wouldn’t normally accept.

    3. No way to differentiate between SoPA course and NTC course.

    4. Articulation should have a record that says a course can get SoPA credit and not NTC credit and show which degrees it applies to.

      1. Can we filter out anything articulated on the report so that if student is NTC the SoPA credit should not show? not necessarily - NTC can have up to 9 credits of SoPA credit.

      2. Can an indicator be added to the report?

      3. Sarah would like a flag in SHATATR that one record is only SoPA and new row for NTC.

    5. Would articulation fail if one indicated for NTC and one for SoPA? Cannot even enter duplicates.

    6. If approved in same term, can use OR clause. If one approved, one’s not, that’s a problem.

    7. Could we leverage Equivalent Course Comments in SHATATR? Might not make a difference for the articulation

    8. Sarah will write this up and send to Denise to post to ECommunities - Ali will schedule follow-up when Denise gets some answers.

  3. Two transfer courses to one TU course

    1. May also be a report issue - with

    2. Use cases - 671006585 Isabella Desio (one completed, second IP), 365002152 Kelly Kirker (both completed)

    3. Two writing courses will count for ENGL 1010, but they have to complete the second one that's in progress before giving credit. When graded, do override edit, 6 credit hours for one entry ENGL 1010 then 0 for the second entry. If one’s in progress, you end up having one show one, but doesn’t show IP course, so a student may think they’re getting ENGL 1010 by the one completed course and maybe drop/get below C in the second IP course. Second course doesn’t appear on the evaluation at all.

    4. Needs to show it’s a specific grouping

    5. Ideal to have 3 and 3.

    6. IPs are currently being filtered out of the report.