First Week January 2023


  1. Compare certified lists to Stephanie’s degree awarded reports

  2. Jana to release all transcripts for all students who

    1. haven’t applied to graduate - no SHAGAPP

  3. Name change requests with no response - don’t release/order until confirmed

  4. Jana will call Parchment to turn transcripts back on

About Law

Law degree dates - JDs, SJDs, LLMs 1/20 - Review with Jana - also Social Work

  • In spring, the Law School awards all of their degrees on the spring conferral date.

  • In summer and fall semesters, Law awards JDs, LLMs, and SJDs on dates separate from the rest of the University.

    • In summer, these degrees are awarded on the day in July equal to the prior spring conferral date.

      • If the prior spring conferral was May 18, the summer JD, LLM, and SJD conferral will be July 18.

    • In fall, these degrees are awarded on the day in January equal to the upcoming spring conferral date.

      • If the upcoming spring conferral is May 20, the previous fall JD, LLM, and SJD conferral will be January 20.

    • In summer and fall semesters, any non JD, LLM, and SJD Law degrees will be awarded with the rest of the University.

Spring Confirmation

  1. Steph to run batch confirmation first - need to confirm we’re batch confirming

  2. Email 1 needs to go out to enrolled students tomorrow 1/4 (MailChimp)


  • Working on repeats - 340 total, none are graduating

  • Need to update feed to spring - Stephanie - Michelle will let her know

  • Grade changes - Madison, Edna, Jessie and Chloe can do them as well


  • Dean’s list

  • Need to move all green checks from grade change dashboard - maybe set up a cycle of once a month to clean them out

  • Reconcile certified list

  • Turn Szadegr on after reconciliation

  • Spring final exam schedule


  • Check with Meredith to see what schools haven’t been certified/no certified appt
