Banner forms quick reference
A list of Banner pages we use.
See the Ellucian Banner Student reference pages that provide detailed descriptions of the Banner Student baseline pages and functions.
SC: Catalog
Page | Title | Function |
SCABASE | Course Base Maintenance | Can change course inventory date retroactively |
SCACRSE | Basic Course Information | Catalog-level course information |
SCADETL | Course Detail Information | Co-reqs, fees, degree attributes |
SCARRES | Catalog Scheduling Restriction | Catalog-level registration restrictions |
SS: Section
Page | Title | Function |
SSADETL | Schedule Detail | Co-reqs (electronically enforced), fees, degree attributes |
SSAPREQ | Schedule Prerequisites/ Test Scores | Pre-reqs, co-reqs? |
SSARRES | Schedule Restrictions | Class level, field, degree, Honors |
SSASECT | Schedule | Section instructor, meeting pattern, schedule type, credits |
SSATEXT | Section Comment | Course notes |
SSAXLST | Schedule Cross-list Definition | Define and create xlists |
SSAXLSQ | Schedule Cross-List Query | Query/validation table for xlists |
SSAXMTI | Instructor Course Registration | Instructor course loads |
SA: Admissions
Page | Title | Function |
SAAADMS | Admissions Application | View admissions decision, admitted curriculum |
SAADCRV | Admissions Decision | Enter admissions decision |
SF: Registration
Page | Title | Function |
SFAMREG | Registration Mass Entry | Migrate students enrolled in one class to another class, mass registration |
SFAREGF | Student course/Fee Assessment Query | View student billing rate |
SFAREGS | Student Course Registration | PoT, credit hours, GPA, advisor, student status, student type, level |
SFARHST | Student Registration History and Extension | View all courses taken, including in-progress |
SFAROVR | Registration Permit Overrides Control | Override descriptions |
SFARQSS | Enrollment Verification Status | Status of an enrollment verification request |
SFARQST | Enrollment Verification (Certification) Request | Used for proof of enrollment for insurance, scholarships, etc. |
SFARSTS | Course Registration Status Form | Waitlist start and end dates entered |
SFASLST | Class Roster | View the order in which students registered, registration status (RW, RE, WL, etc.) and date, midterm and final grades, grade mode |
SFASRPO | Student Registration Permit Override | Override entry |
SFASTCA | Student Course Registration Audit | Registration history: course status/date, user, activity date, source |
SFAWLPR | Waitlist Priority Management | actual waitlist offers by student |
SFAXWLP | Cross-list Waitlist Priority Management | waitlist offers for a set of cross-listed courses |
SFIWLNT | Waitlist Notification Query | Pending seat offers into the course |
SFAREGQ | Registration Query | Detailed student schedule |
SG: General Student
Page | Title | Function |
SGAADVR | Multiple Advisors | Student’s advisor(s) |
SGAMSTU | General Student Mass Entry | Modify in mass fee assessment rate code |
SGASADD | Additional Student Information | cohort, attributes |
SGASTDN | General Student | Learner (student status, student type, class, active terms), Curricula (program, catalog term, student level, campus, college, degree |
SH: Grades/Academic History
Page | Title | Function |
SHACRSE | Course Summary | Total past course history (does not include current term) |
SHADEGR | Degree and Other Formal Awards | Graduation info, degree(s) awarded |
SHADGMQ | Degree Summary | Summary of awards |
SHADIPL | Diploma | Diploma shipment tracking |
SHAGAPP | Graduation Application | Application to graduate, Commencement participation |
SHAINST | Student Term Course Maintenance | Create term header, Dean’s List, Academic Standing |
SHAMDEG | Mass Entry Graduation | Award degrees in mass |
SHARQTC | Transcript Request | Printing (official) transcripts in-house |
SHATAEQ | Transfer Articulation Evaluation | For a student, courses transferred and their TU equivalents, applying articulated coursework to academic history |
SHATATR | Transfer Course Articulation | Transfer course articulation status, TU equivalent course |
SHATCKN | Student Course Maintenance | Grade changes, retro changes to credit/billing hours |
SHATCMT | Transcript Events and Comments | Graduate milestones, dissertation title entry, transcript notations |
SHATERM | Term Sequence Course History | First/last term attended, total GPA and GPA by term, total earned hours, transfer courses |
SHATGRD | Transfer Grade Code Maintenance | Transfer institution grade scale |
SHATRNS | Transfer Course information | Transfer credit/institution, dual enrollment credit |
SI: Faculty Load
Page | Title | Function |
SIAINST | Faculty/Advisor Information | Add a grad student as an instructor |
SL: Location Management
Page | Title | Function |
SLARDEF | Room Definition | Create/edit a room |
SLABLDG | Building Definition | Edit a building |
SO: Overall
Page | Title | Function |
SOACURR | Curriculum rules | Curriculum rules |
SOAFOLK | Guardian Information | View parent information |
SOAHOLD | Student’s Holds | View a student’s holds |
SOAHSCH | High School Information | High school dates/diploma |
SOAIDEN | Person Search | Query version of SPAIDEN |
SOAIDNS | Person Search Detail | Summary of curriculum, academic standing, academic history |
SOAPCOL | Prior College | Prior college pulling from SHATRNS, SHATAEQ, and SAAADMS that displays on the transcript. |
SOASBGI | Source/Background Institution Base | Address, web, and phone for transfer institution |
SOATERM | Term Control | Term dates, students first term of enrollment |
SOATEST | Test Score Information | Placement in specific courses |
SOABGTA | Transfer Articulation Institution | Semester multiplier, levels accepted for transfer |
SP: Person
Page | Title | Function |
SPAAPIN | Alternate Personal Identification Number | View, add, remove PINs to allow special populations to register earlier during priority registration |
SPAIDEN | General Person Identification | Contact information, biography, citizenship, race, veteran status |
SPATELE | General Person Telephone | Look up a person’s phone numbers |
ST: Table
Page | Title | Function |
STVATTR | Attribute validation | Course attribute validation |
STVATTS | Student attribute validation | Student attribute validation |
STVBLDG | Building Code Validation | Building names, descriptions |
STVCAMP | Campus Code Validation | Campuses |
STVGMOD | Grading Mode Validation | Grading modes |
STVMAJR | Major, Minor, Concentration Code Validation | Major |
STVSBGI | Source/Background Institution Code Validation | Look up or add a transfer institution |
STVSCHD | Schedule Type Code Validation | Schedule types |
SZ: Custom Pages
Page | Title | Function |
SZAECFL | User Registration Confirmation | Confirmation status, confirm a student’s registration |
SZADEGR | Degree and Formal Awards | Used by departments/schools to certify completion of degree requirements |
GX: General
Page | Title | Function |
GJAJFLU | Import File to JobSub Server | Upload a .csv |
GJAPCTL | Process Submission Control | Select and run a process |
GJIREVO | Saved Output Review | Review .lis and .log outputs from jobs |
GJRPSIM | Import list of IDs or PIDMs | Job that pulls IDs from an uploaded .csv |
GLAEXTR | Population Selection Extract Data | View uploaded IDs for bulk processing |
GLRAPPL | Application Definition Rules | Select or create an application |
GLRSLCT | Population Selection Definition Rules | Create a Selection ID |
GOAFBPR | FGAC Business Profile Assignments | Add user to FGA business profile |
GOAFGAC | FGAC Group Rules | Create FGAC rules for FGAC group |
GORFDPL | FGAC VBS Table Rules | Create FGAC rules for FGAC domain |
GORFDMN | FGAC Domain Driver Rules | Connect FGAC domain to driver table |
GTVFBPR | FGAC Business Profile Validation | Identify or define a new business profile code |
GTVFDMN | FGAC Domain Validation | Identify or define a new FGAC domain |
GTVFGAC | FGAC Group Validation | Identify or define a new group of FGAC rules |
GUIALTI | SSN/SIN Alternate ID Search | Search by SSN |
GUIOBJS | Object Search | Search for objects (pages) |
GUISRCH | General Search | Search by email/phone |