Creating an academic calendar widget in Localist

Set up your widget spreadsheet

widget spreadsheet template

Make a copy of the template. Name it Term_LocalistWidgets. Save it in Academic Calendar > Term > Localist.

Create the widget

From the left menu, click Content and select Widgets.

Click Public Widget Builder.

Use the following settings:

Leave blank any fields not indicated below.


Registrar Widget

Number of results


Days ahead



Office of the University Registrar

Event type

Academic Dates & Deadlines

Keywords and tags

Enter the tag used to represent the Part of Term results you’re looking for (for example Part of Term 1 Fall 2023 is 202330_1).

Content must match

At least one place, group, keyword or tag, and one filter item


The format for the tags is: termcode_potcode

For example:

Part of Term 1 for Fall 2023 is 202330_1

Online MBA Session 2 for Spring 2024 is 202410_BO2.

Part of Term codes are found on the master term spreadsheet provided by the term config team.

To check to make sure you’re pulling in the right set of dates, click the Preview Widget button.



Demonstration of all steps in this section

Finesse the embed code

Click the Generate Embed Code button.

Copy the code in the Widget Embed Code box and paste in Word or other text editor. You can also paste it directly into the widget spreadsheet, but this may be easier as a beginner.

We need to make 2 changes to this code: Remove the Localist branding and add a start date.

Remove the Localist footer by removing the code formatted with the strikethrough:

You will be left with something that looks like this:

Add a start date, which prevents past dates from falling off. Apply the format “&start=YYYY-MM-DD” as follows. The added code is highlighted.

Use the following convention for the start dates:

  • Fall - YYYY-08-01

  • Fall Med - YYYY-05-01

  • Spring - YYYY-01-01

  • Summer - YYYY-04-01

If you did your editing in Word or other text editor, copy and paste the final code in the widget document. Repeat for all PoT lists you need.

Prepare and send the widget document

Prepare a document that includes all widget codes, web page URL, tab, page section (school), and accordion text (PoT description and run dates).

See an example >

Email the link to the widget document to Duane at